Collatz numbers

#!/usr/bin/env python # # Will find collataz numbers for a set number of hours, and then store them in a text file - collatz_2.txt import time collatz_sequence = [1] # initialize the list with 1 time_to_run = float(raw_input()) # in hours start_time = time.time() end_time = start_time+time_to_run*60*60 # time when the loop ends, in seconds while time.time()<=end_time: temp_list = [] i = collatz_sequence[-1]+1 while i!=1: temp_list.append(i) if i%2: i = 3*i+1 else: i = i/2 if i in collatz_sequence: break collatz_sequence = collatz_sequence + temp_list collatz_sequence.sort() f = open('/home/elssar/Code/collatz_2.txt','w') f.write('Total values : ' + str(len(collatz_sequence))+'\n') f.write('Highest value : ' + str(collatz_sequence[-1]) + '\n') f.write('Digits in highest value : ' + str(len(str(collatz_sequence[-1]))) + '\n') f.write('Start sequence\n') f.write('______________\n') # 14 '_'s + 1 new line = 15 chars. for i in collatz_sequence: f.write(str(i)+',') f.close() print len(collatz_sequence) print collatz_sequence[-1] print len(str(collatz_sequence[-1]))
Python code that will find collatz numbers.
PS - It will not find collatz numbers between 1...n, but rather it's set up to find larger collatz numbers

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