Question: Given a weighted DAG, find a path from 1 to N with maximum number of nodes such that the weight of the path is less than T.
-> At least one such path exists
-> There is at most one edge between any pair of nodes
-> N <= 1e3
Find a topological sort of the graph
Notice that all nodes between 1 and N in the topological sort are the only nodes that could possibly be on any path from 1 to N.
So, for each node I, update the cost of reaching each of its neighbours J
Also maintain and update the number of nodes to reach each node
Array P contains a topological ordering of the DAG
Z is the size of P
edge[src][dst] denotes whether there is an edge from src to dst
cost[src] denotes the cost of reaching src from node 1
weight[src][dst] is the weight of the edge from src to dst
num[src] is the number of nodes in the path from 1 to src
num[1] = 1
for (i=0; i<z; i++)
src = p[i];
for (j=i+1; j<z; j++)
dst = p[j];
if (!edge[src][dst]) continue;
if (cost[src] + weight[src][dst] <= t && num[src] >= num[dst])
cost[dst] = cost[src] + weight[src][dst];
num[dst] = num[src] + 1;
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