Clip03 -Foto de Perfil Full Screen

scriptGenerator['clip03'] = function(params) { var id = params.userName.facebookID; //Cortamos la foto de Perfil var script = 'convert prod/' + id + '/input/images/profile.jpg -gravity center -background black -extent 640x360 prod/' + id + '/output/temporal/profile_extended.png' + endOfLine; //Hacemos Zoom script += '/root/bin/ffmpeg -loop 1 -i prod/' + id + '/output/temporal/profile_extended.png -vf "' + "zoompan=z='zoom+(2/3000)':x='iw/2-(iw/zoom/2)':fps='60':d='1000'" + '" -c:v libx264 -pix_fmt yuvj420p -t 4.24 -s "640x360" prod/' + id + '/output/temporal/clip03parcial.mp4' + endOfLine; //Fade In script += '/root/bin/ffmpeg -i input/videos/clip03.mp4 -i prod/' + id + '/output/temporal/clip03parcial.mp4 -filter_complex "overlay" prod/' + id + '/output/temporal/clip03final-nofade.mp4' + endOfLine; //Fade Out script += '/root/bin/ffmpeg -i prod/' + id + '/output/temporal/clip03final-nofade.mp4 -y -vf "fade=in:0:15,fade=out:80:15" prod/' + id + '/output/temporal/clip03final.mp4'; return script; };

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