139. Word Break

class Solution(object): def breakHelper(self, memo, s, wordDict): if s in memo.keys(): return memo[s] else: if (s in wordDict): memo[s] = True return True for word in wordDict: if (len(word) > len(s)): continue else: # check if this word exists in the string... flag = True for pos in range(0, len(word)): if (word[pos] != s[pos]): flag = False break if (flag): if self.breakHelper(memo, s[len(word):], wordDict): memo[s] = True return True else: continue memo[s] = False return False def wordBreak(self, s, wordDict): """ :type s: str :type wordDict: List[str] :rtype: bool """ memo = {} return self.breakHelper(memo, s, wordDict)
Mistake: in recursion, forget to call the helper function instead of the original function.

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