169. Majority Element

// 20181028 // cross training 6 #include <iostream> #include <vector> using namespace std; class Solution { public: int majorityElement(vector<int>& nums) { if (nums.size() == 1){ return nums[0]; } vector<int> holder(2); // size is two : key, value holder[0] = nums[0]; holder[1] = 1; for (std::vector<int>::iterator it= ++nums.begin(); it != nums.end(); it++) { if (holder[1] == 0) { holder[0] = *it; // the stage is empty holder[1]++; } else if (*it == holder[0]) holder[1]++; else holder[1]--; } return holder[0]; } }; int main() { vector<int> test = {10,9,9,9,10}; Solution s; int res = s.majorityElement(test); std::cout << res << std::endl; return 0; }
Boyer–Moore majority vote algorithm

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