
#include<stdio.h> int math(int); void main() { int choice,no; while(1) { clrscr(); printf("\n1. Square of number\n2. Area of square\n" "3. Reverse number\n4. Exit\n"); printf("\nEnter choice : "); scanf("%d",&choice); if(choice<1||choice>3) break; if(choice==1) printf("\nEnter no. to square : "); if(choice==2) printf("\nEnter side of square : "); if(choice==3) printf("\nEnter no. to reverse : "); printf("Answer = %d",math(choice)); getch(); } } int math(int ch) { int no,rem,temp=0,revno=0; scanf("%d",&no); if(ch==1||ch==2) return no*no; else { while(no>0) { rem=no%10; revno=temp+rem; temp=revno*10; no=no/10; } return revno; } }

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