Video Game Store

INSERT INTO `thegamestore`.`rental` (`rental_id`, `rental_date`, `inventory_id`, `customer_id`, `return_date`) VALUES ('1', '2015-10-21', '1', '3', '2015-10-27'); INSERT INTO `thegamestore`.`rental` (`rental_id`, `rental_date`, `inventory_id`, `customer_id`, `return_date`) VALUES ('2', '2015-11-22', '2', '3', '2015-12-01'); ALTER TABLE `thegamestore`.`platform` CHANGE COLUMN `platform_id` `platform_id` SMALLINT(5) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT '' ; where platform_id ='PS4' UPDATE `thegamestore`.`games` SET `platform_id`='1' WHERE `game_titleID`='1'; UPDATE `thegamestore`.`games` SET `platform_id`='1' WHERE `game_titleID`='2'; ALTER TABLE `thegamestore`.`rental` ADD INDEX `customers_ibfk_2_idx` (`customer_id` ASC) COMMENT ''; ALTER TABLE `thegamestore`.`rental` ADD CONSTRAINT `customers_ibfk_2` FOREIGN KEY (`customer_id`) REFERENCES `thegamestore`.`customers` (`customer_id`) ON DELETE NO ACTION ON UPDATE NO ACTION;

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