import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
public class TaxStrategyMainWithLambda {
public static void main(String [] args) {
//Create a List of Tax strategies for different scenarios with inline logic using Lambda
List<TaxStrategy> taxStrategyList =
(income) -> { System.out.println("PersonalTax"); return 0.30 * income; },
(income) -> { System.out.println("PersonalTaxWithPenalty"); return 0.40 * income; },
(income) -> { System.out.println("PersonalTaxWithRebate"); return 0.20 * income; }
//Calculate Tax for different scenarios with corresponding strategies
taxStrategyList.forEach((strategy) -> System.out.println(strategy.calculateTax(30000.0)));
This snippet clearly demonstrates how different tax rates can be calculated by using appropriate concrete strategy class.
I have tried to combine all the concrete strategy (algorithms) in a list and then access them by iterating over the list.
We can see that use of lambda expressions, makes the additional classes for concrete strategies redundant. You don’t need additional classes; simply specify additional behavior using lambda expression.
#java #lambda #strategy #pattern
I have tried to combine all the concrete strategy (algorithms) in a list and then access them by iterating over the list.
We can see that use of lambda expressions, makes the additional classes for concrete strategies redundant. You don’t need additional classes; simply specify additional behavior using lambda expression.
#java #lambda #strategy #pattern
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