Javascript: ProtocolCheck

(function (window) { function _registerEvent(target, eventType, cb) { if (target.addEventListener) { target.addEventListener(eventType, cb); return { remove: function () { target.removeEventListener(eventType, cb); } }; } else { target.attachEvent(eventType, cb); return { remove: function () { target.detachEvent(eventType, cb); } }; } } function _createHiddenIframe(target, uri) { var iframe = document.createElement("iframe"); iframe.src = uri; = "hiddenIframe"; = "none"; target.appendChild(iframe); return iframe; } function openUriWithHiddenFrame(uri, successCb, failCb) { var timeout = setTimeout(function () { failCb(); handler.remove(); }, 1000); var iframe = document.querySelector("#hiddenIframe"); if (!iframe) { iframe = _createHiddenIframe(document.body, "about:blank"); } var handler = _registerEvent(window, "blur", onBlur); function onBlur() { clearTimeout(timeout); handler.remove(); successCb() } iframe.contentWindow.location.href = uri; } function openUriWithTimeoutHack(uri, successCb, failCb) { var timeout = setTimeout(function () { failCb(); handler.remove(); }, 1000); var handler = _registerEvent(window, "blur", onBlur); function onBlur() { clearTimeout(timeout); handler.remove(); successCb() } window.location = uri; } function openUriUsingFirefox(uri, successCb, failCb) { var iframe = document.querySelector("#hiddenIframe"); if (!iframe) { iframe = _createHiddenIframe(document.body, "about:blank"); } try { iframe.contentWindow.location.href = uri; successCb(); } catch (e) { if ( == "NS_ERROR_UNKNOWN_PROTOCOL") { failCb(); } else { successCb(); } } } function openUriUsingIEInOlderWindows(uri, failCb) { if (getInternetExplorerVersion() === 10) { openUriUsingIE10InWindows7(uri, failCb); } else if (getInternetExplorerVersion() === 9 || getInternetExplorerVersion() === 11) { openUriWithHiddenFrame(uri, failCb); } else { openUriInNewWindowHack(uri, failCb); } } function openUriUsingIE10InWindows7(uri, successCb, failCb) { var timeout = setTimeout(failCb, 1000); window.addEventListener("blur", function () { clearTimeout(timeout); }); var iframe = document.querySelector("#hiddenIframe"); if (!iframe) { iframe = _createHiddenIframe(document.body, "about:blank"); } try { iframe.contentWindow.location.href = uri; successCb() } catch (e) { failCb(); clearTimeout(timeout); } } function openUriInNewWindowHack(uri, successCb, failCb) { var myWindow ='', '', 'width=0,height=0'); myWindow.document.write("<iframe src='" + uri + "'></iframe>"); setTimeout(function () { try { myWindow.location.href; myWindow.setTimeout("window.close()", 1000); successCb() } catch (e) { myWindow.close(); failCb(); } }, 1000); } function openUriWithMsLaunchUri(uri, successCb, failCb) { navigator.msLaunchUri(uri, successCb, failCb ); } function checkBrowser() { var isOpera = !!window.opera || navigator.userAgent.indexOf(' OPR/') >= 0; return { isOpera: isOpera, isFirefox: typeof InstallTrigger !== 'undefined', isSafari:'Constructor') > 0, isChrome: !! && !isOpera, isIE: /*@cc_on!@*/false || !!document.documentMode // At least IE6 } } function getInternetExplorerVersion() { var rv = -1; if (navigator.appName === "Microsoft Internet Explorer") { var ua = navigator.userAgent; var re = new RegExp("MSIE ([0-9]{1,}[\.0-9]{0,})"); if (re.exec(ua) != null) rv = parseFloat(RegExp.$1); } else if (navigator.appName === "Netscape") { var ua = navigator.userAgent; var re = new RegExp("Trident/.*rv:([0-9]{1,}[\.0-9]{0,})"); if (re.exec(ua) != null) { rv = parseFloat(RegExp.$1); } } return rv; } window.openUriWithTimeoutHack = openUriWithTimeoutHack; window.protocolCheck = function (uri, successCb, failCb) { function successCallBack() { successCb && successCb(); } function failCallback() { failCb && failCb(); } if (navigator.msLaunchUri) { //for IE and Edge in Win 8 and Win 10 openUriWithMsLaunchUri(uri, successCb, failCb); } else { var browser = checkBrowser(); if (browser.isFirefox) { openUriUsingFirefox(uri, successCallBack, failCallback); } else if (browser.isChrome) { openUriWithTimeoutHack(uri, successCallBack, failCallback); } else if (browser.isIE) { openUriUsingIEInOlderWindows(uri, successCallBack, failCallback); } else { //not supported, implement please } } } }(window));
Script to check protocol (URI) with callback

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