32. Longest Valid Parentheses

class Solution { public: bool validParenthesis(string s){ if (s.front() == ')' || s.back() == '(') return false; stack<char> buff; for (size_t i = 0; i < s.size(); i++){ if (!buff.empty() && (buff.top() == '(' && s[i] == ')') ) buff.pop(); else buff.push(s[i]); } return buff.empty(); } int longestValidParentheses(string s) { // base cases if (s.empty() || s.size() == 1) return 0; else if (s.size() == 2 && s == "()") return 2; else if (s.size() == 2) return 0; // begin recursion size_t left = 0, right = s.size()-1; while(s[left] != '(' && left < s.size()) left++; while(s[right] != ')' && right > 0) right--; if (left >= right) return 0; else { size_t length = right - left + 1; string sub = s.substr(left, length); if (validParenthesis(sub)) return length; else { string candidate1 = s.substr(left, length-1); string candidate2 = s.substr(left+1, length-1); string candidate3 = s.substr(left+1, length-2); int res1 = longestValidParentheses(candidate1); int res2 = longestValidParentheses(candidate2); int res3 = longestValidParentheses(candidate3); int maxLen = res1 > res2 ? res1 : res2; return maxLen > res3? maxLen : res3; } } } };(); } int longestValidParentheses(string s) { // base cases if (s.empty() || s.size == 1) return 0; else if (s.size() == 2 && s == "()") return 2; else if (s.size() == 2) return 0; // begin recursion size_t left = 0, right = s.size()-1; while(s[left] != '(') left++; while(s[right] != ')') right++; if (left >= right) return 0; else { size_t length = right - left + 1; string sub = s.substr(left, length); if (validParenthesis(sub)) return length; else { string candidate1 = s.substr(left, length-1); string candidate2 = s.substr(left+1, length-1); string candidate3 = s.substr(left+1, length-2); int res1 = longestValidParenthesis(candidate1); int res2 = longestValidParenthesis(candidate2); int res3 = longestValidParenthesis(candidate3); int maxLen = res1 > res2 ? res1 : res2; return maxLen > res3? maxLen : res3; } } } };
Brute force solution

Grammar error: 1. when increasing left and right, should use ++ and -- respectively. Also note the boundaries.
2. When examining valid parentheses, note the pop and push... push should be only in the "else" statement.

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