let allFormattedDescriptions = [
Paragraph(heading: "Introduction to Bacon Ipsum", descriptionText: "Bacon ipsum dolor amet jerky pig pastrami capicola biltong turkey,
ball tip fatback andouille porchetta flank swine brisket bacon pork loin. Tongue shank cupim, pastrami spare ribs meatball drumstick
pork pork chop. Sirloin flank tenderloin bresaola doner, cupim ribeye drumstick ham hock t-bone pork short ribs shoulder. Fatback
ribeye pastrami pancetta, chuck turkey andouille boudin burgdoggen shoulder tongue kielbasa doner shankle turducken. Rump strip steak
drumstick, shankle cupim prosciutto jerky bacon doner. Pork chop jowl burgdoggen, cow turkey ball tip doner. Cow ham meatball chuck
flank meatloaf prosciutto."),
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