* Encrypts a word (only letters) using a caesar shift.
* @Laura
* @1.0
import java.util.*;
import java.lang.Integer.*;
public class CaesarShift
public static void main(String[] args) {
int shift = 0; //initializes variables
int index = 0;
int modIndex = 0;
String encrypted = "";
String temp = "";
String shiftStr = "";
String alphabet = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; //storing alphabet
System.out.print("Enter a word (only letters): "); //prompts for word
Scanner s = new Scanner(System.in);
String word = s.nextLine();
while (checkIfStringIsNumber(word)) { //checks if word entered was a number
System.out.print("That is not a valid answer. Enter a word (only letters): "); //re-prompts for word
word = s.nextLine();
System.out.print("Enter how many letters you would like to shift it: "); //prompts for shift
shiftStr = s.nextLine();
while (!checkIfStringIsNumber(shiftStr)) { //checks if shiftStr entered was a number
System.out.print("That is not a valid answer. Enter how many letters you would like to shift the word: "); //re-prompts for shiftStr
shiftStr = s.nextLine();
shift = Integer.parseInt(shiftStr); //converts user input String to an int
for (int i = 0; i < word.length(); i++) { //for loop to iterate through word
temp = word.substring(i, i+1); //stores each letter into a temporary String
index = alphabet.indexOf(temp); //finds index of the letter in the alphabet
modIndex = (index + shift) % 26; //accounts for if the letter had an index later in the alphabet
encrypted += alphabet.substring(modIndex, modIndex + 1); //adds each encrypted letter to the encrypted variable
System.out.println("The encrypted word is: " + encrypted); //outputs encrypted word
public static boolean checkIfStringIsNumber(String s) { //method to check if a string is a number
try {
} catch (NumberFormatException e) { //if String isn't a number, return false
return false;
return true; //if String is a number, return true
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