55. Jump Game

class Solution { public: bool canJump(vector<int>& nums) { // Think from right to left ... int length = nums.size(); vector<int> res(length, 0); res[length-1] = 1; for(int j = length-2; j >= 0; j--){ for (int i = j; i <= j + nums[j]; i++){ if (res[i] == 1) res[j] = 1; continue; } } return res[0]; } };
One Pass! But note some mistakes on paper:
- In the second inner loop, update is res[j], not res[i]
- Note i <= j + nums[j], not i < j + nums[j]
- initialize all vector elements to zero. Important and lucky step!
Use your pen to run some test cases on paper.

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