class Solution:
def maxSubArray(self, nums):
if len(nums) == 0:
return 0
elif len(nums) == 1:
return nums[0]
elif len(nums) == 2: # this is to prevent later usage of (midpoint + 1) indexing. If not will go out of bound
return max(nums[0], nums[1], sum(nums))
midpoint = len(nums)//2 # choose the end point
# find two maxes excluding midpoints
larr = nums[0: midpoint]
rarr = nums[midpoint+1:]
lmax = self.maxSubArray(larr)
rmax = self.maxSubArray(rarr)
# now find max including midpoints
res = nums[midpoint]
# iterate through left subarray
lresults = []
for low in range(midpoint-1, -1, -1):
lres = sum(nums[low: midpoint])
m_lmax = max(lresults)
# iterate through right subarray
rresults = []
for high in range(midpoint+1, len(nums), 1):
rres = sum(nums[midpoint+1: ])
m_rmax = max(rresults)
# get the max of results that include mid points
mid_max = max(res, res+m_lmax, res+m_rmax, res+m_lmax+m_rmax)
return max(lmax, rmax, mid_max)
CLRS chap 4
2 Responses
But in list selection, high need to be exactly len(nums)
Thus error.
The mid point calculation is O(n)
But recursion is ??
Calculate the time complexity of this algorithm...
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