78. Subsets

class Solution { public: void subsetsHelper(vector<int>& nums, size_t pos, vector<int> & chosen, vector< vector<int> > & allsubsets){ // a helper function // here a choice is w.r.t. a given position "pos" : should we include element at this position into our results? if (pos == nums.size()) allsubsets.push_back(chosen); // no more choices to make else{ // choose // 1. include element at current position chosen.push_back(nums[pos]); subsetsHelper(nums, pos+1, chosen, allsubsets); chosen.pop_back(); // 2. not include element at current position subsetsHelper(nums, pos+1, chosen, allsubsets); } } vector<vector<int>> subsets(vector<int>& nums) { vector<int> chosen = {}; vector< vector<int> > allsubsets = {}; subsetsHelper(nums, 0, chosen, allsubsets); return allsubsets; } };
A backtracking problem : choose, explore, unchoose...

Mistake: Stopping condition.
- I used pos == nums.size()-1 but this will ignore the last element
- The stopping condition is when VIOLATING the condition so should be pos == nums.size().

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