Class Template for Stack of Array.cpp

#include<iostream> #include<conio.h> using namespace std; template<class X> class Stack{ private: X index; X pile[100]; public: /*void initialization(){ index=0; }*/ /*This function can be put into Constructor so that it initialize itself for the new objects. So, I am putting in it Constructor.*/ Stack():index(0){} /*Default constructor to set the index 0.*/ void push(X temp){ if(index==100){ cout << "\nStack is full.\n"; return; } pile[index++]=temp; } X pop(){ if(index==0){ cout << "\nStack is empty.\n"; } return pile[--index]; } }; int main(){ Stack<int> s1; /*s1.pop(); You will get the message "Stack is empty." here*/ // s1.initialization(); s1.push(100); s1.push(20); s1.push(30); cout << s1.pop() << endl; cout << s1.pop() << endl; cout << s1.pop() << endl; getch(); return 0; }
Example of stack using the class template.

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