Web Playlist V1.0 ~ D.Va/Quotes: TEST (*.ogg files) With HTML and CSS

<div class="top">WEB PLAYLIST<div class="sub">V1.0</div></div> <div class="body"><div class="title">D.Va/Quotes: TEST (*.ogg files) </div> <ul > <li class="music">Makeup whiskers? Nuh-uh. This is WAR PAINT!</br> <audio controls > <source src="https://heroesofthestorm.gamepedia.com/media/heroesofthestorm.gamepedia.com/b/b9/DVaBase_PissedP04.ogg" type="audio/ogg"> Your browser does not support the audio element. </audio> </li> <li class="music"><empty bag rustling> Crumbs?! Gotta grab more gamer fuel after the match! Nomnomnomnomnom. <audio controls > <source src="https://heroesofthestorm.gamepedia.com/media/heroesofthestorm.gamepedia.com/6/68/DVaBase_PissedP09.ogg" type="audio/ogg"> Your browser does not support the audio element. </audio> </li> <li class="music">Oh, by the way... (whispered secret) I know I say "Nerf this" a lot. PLEASE don't ACTUALLY nerf this... okay?</br> <audio controls > <source src="https://heroesofthestorm.gamepedia.com/media/heroesofthestorm.gamepedia.com/d/dc/DVaBase_PissedP07.ogg" type="audio/ogg"> Your browser does not support the audio element. </audio> </li> <li class="music">:) (Winkyface - Pilot)</br><audio controls > <source src="https://heroesofthestorm.gamepedia.com/media/heroesofthestorm.gamepedia.com/3/30/D.Va_-_Winky_face.ogg" type="audio/ogg"> Your browser does not support the audio element. </audio> </li> <li class="music">:) (Winkyface - MEKA)</br> <audio controls > <source src="https://heroesofthestorm.gamepedia.com/media/heroesofthestorm.gamepedia.com/f/f6/D.Va_-_Winky_face_Meka.ogg" type="audio/ogg"> Your browser does not support the audio element. </audio> </li> <li class="music">Hey! Hands off! (presumably a response to a Mechanic worker hero/skin)</br> <audio controls > <source src="https://heroesofthestorm.gamepedia.com/media/heroesofthestorm.gamepedia.com/6/6c/DVaBase_IntroResponse_Mechanic00.ogg" type="audio/ogg"> Your browser does not support the audio element. </audio> </li> <li class="music">Like, Follow, Subscribe! (presumably related to the Famous hero response)</br> <audio controls > <source src="https://heroesofthestorm.gamepedia.com/media/heroesofthestorm.gamepedia.com/0/07/DVaBase_IntroResponse_Plug00.ogg" type="audio/ogg"> Your browser does not support the audio element. </audio> </li>
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