#!/bin/bash # AppleJack, an open source basic troubleshooting utility for Mac OS X # Copyright (c) 2002-10 Kristofer Widholm, The Apotek # $Id:,v 1.144 2010/07/11 04:39:16 kwidholm Exp $ # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the # Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or -at your # option- any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # # You can reach The Apotek at # ######################################################################## # START OF APPLEJACK CONFIGURATION ############# CONSTANTS ########### ######################################################################## VERSION="1.6" REVISION=`echo '$Revision: 1.144 $' | sed 's/\\$//g' 2> /dev/null` DEEP=0 # Set deep mode to 0 [off], unless specified at runtime DEFAULTDELAY=3 # How long should the default delay be CANCELTIME=10 # How many seconds should the user have to cancel automatic tasks? DRL=9 # Disk Repair Limit: How many times should disk repair repeat before aborting [auto mode], or posting a notice [manual mode]? BANNER="\033[4m AppleJack \033[0m" GOODBYE="*********************** GOODBYE FROM APPLEJACK ***********************" LOGFILE="/private/var/log/AppleJack.log" # Where does the AppleJack log go? # Set up a good path--from /etc/rc PATH=/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/libexec:/System/Library/CoreServices;export PATH # standard exit code for usage error [from C, /usr/include/sysexits.h] EX_OK=0 # successful termination EX_ERR=1 # general error EX_USAGE=64 # user error EX_SOFTWARE=70 # internal software error EX_OSERR=71 # system error [e.g., can't fork] # Formatting shortcut codes # Bold: \033[1m Underline: \033[4m Magenta: \033[35m Yellow: \033[33m Red: \033[31m # These must be defined with double quotes to be filtered correctly bE="\033[31m*** " # Start formatting for "errors" eE=" ***\033[0m" # End of format for errors. bH="\033[35m\033[1m\033[4m" # Color code for key highlights eH="\033[0m" # End of color code for key highlights bK="\033[35m\033[1m" # Color code for key entry eK="\033[0m" # End of formatting for key entry bW="\033[33m" # formatting for "warnings" eW="!\033[0m" # End of formatting for warnings. bS="\033[1m" # Begin strong eS="\033[0m" # End strong bPar='(' # Parentheses in strings confuse some text editors. ePar=')' TASKNAMES=( [0]="${bH}a${eH}uto pilot" [1]="repair ${bH}d${eH}isks" [2]="repair ${bH}p${eH}ermissions" [3]="cleanup ${bH}c${eH}ache files" [4]="validate pre${bH}f${eH}erence files" [5]="clean up ${bH}v${eH}irtual memory" [6]="${bH}q${eH}uit" ) TASKCODES=( a d p c f v q ) TASKCODESUC=( A D P C F V Q ) TASKS=( [0]='AUTO=1;selectNext' [1]='repairDisks' [2]='fixPermissions' [3]='cacheCleanup' [4]='validatePreferences' [5]='cleanupVM' [6]='quitScript' ) xTASKNAMES=( [0]="deep clean ${bH}c${eH}ache files" [1]="${bH}v${eH}erify hard drives ${bPar}S.M.A.R.T. Check${ePar}" [2]="test ${bH}m${eH}emory" [3]="${bH}b${eH}less system folder" [4]="disable ${bH}a${eH}uto login" [5]="disable ${bH}l${eH}ogin items for a user" [6]="${bH}r${eH}estore NetInfo database from backup (Mac OS X Tiger only)" [7]="disable system con${bH}f${eH}iguration files" [8]="disable NetInfo ${bH}N${eH}FS mounts (Mac OS X Tiger only)" [9]="enable new machine ${bH}s${eH}etup" [10]="${bH}q${eH}uit" ) xTASKCODES=( c v m b a l r f n s q ) xTASKCODESUC=( C V M B A L R F N S Q ) xTASKS=( [0]='xDeepCacheClean' [1]='xSmartCheck' [2]='xMemTest' [3]='xBlessDrive' [4]='xDisableAutoLogin' [5]='xDisableUserLoginItems' [6]='xRestoreNetinfoFromBackup' [7]='xDisableSysConfigFiles' [8]='xDisableNFSMounts' [9]='xEnableNewSetup' [10]='quitScript' ) # standardize the binaries, if possible BADENV=0 if [ -x /usr/bin/awk ];then AWK='/usr/bin/awk';else AWK='awk';BADENV=1;fi if [ -x /usr/sbin/bless ];then BLESS='/usr/sbin/bless';else BLESS='bless';BADENV=1;fi if [ -x /bin/chmod ];then CHMOD='/bin/chmod';else CHMOD='chmod';BADENV=1;fi if [ -x /usr/sbin/chown ];then CHOWN='/usr/sbin/chown';else CHOWN='chown';BADENV=1;fi if [ -x /bin/cp ];then CP='/bin/cp';else CP='cp';BADENV=1;fi if [ -x /usr/bin/egrep ];then EGREP='/usr/bin/egrep';else EGREP='egrep';BADENV=1;fi if [ -x /usr/bin/file ];then FILE='/usr/bin/file';else FILE='file';BADENV=1;fi if [ -x /usr/bin/grep ];then GREP='/usr/bin/grep';else GREP='grep';BADENV=1;fi if [ -x /usr/libexec/kextd ];then KEXTD='/usr/libexec/kextd';else KEXTD='kextd';BADENV=1;fi if [ -x /bin/ln ];then LN='/bin/ln';else LN='ln';BADENV=1;fi if [ -x /bin/ls ];then LS='/bin/ls';else LS='ls';BADENV=1;fi if [ -x /bin/mkdir ];then MKDIR='/bin/mkdir';else MKDIR='mkdir';BADENV=1;fi if [ -x /sbin/mount ];then MOUNT='/sbin/mount';else MOUNT='mount';BADENV=1;fi if [ -x /bin/mv ];then MV='/bin/mv';else MV='mv';BADENV=1;fi if [ -x /usr/bin/dscl ];then DSCL='/usr/bin/dscl';DSCLav=1;else DSCL='dscl';DSCLav=0;fi if [ -x /usr/bin/plutil ];then PLUTIL='/usr/bin/plutil';else PLUTIL='plutil';BADENV=1;fi if [ -x /bin/rm ];then RM='/bin/rm';else RM='rm';BADENV=1;fi if [ -x /bin/rmdir ];then RMDIR='/bin/rmdir';else RMDIR='rmdir';BADENV=1;fi if [ -x /usr/bin/sed ];then SED='/usr/bin/sed';else SED='sed';BADENV=1;fi if [ -x /usr/bin/tee ];then TEE='/usr/bin/tee';else SED='tee';BADENV=1;fi # Register the IDENTITY variable, for later use #declare -arx IDENTITY=( `id | cut -d '=' -f 2 | cut -d ' ' -f 1 | $SED -e 's/[()]/ /g;'` ) declare -arx IDENTITY=( `id -u` `id -un` ) # Leopard id utility barfs when running id without options ######################################################################## # END OF APPLEJACK CONFIGURATION ##################################### ######################################################################## # Make sure to clean up whenever the script is killed trap quitScript INT # Thanks to "Maarten" from the Ars Technica Open Forum for providing this function. # checkAlias returns 1 if file is an alias; 0 if not. # When used like so: `if checkAlias "filename";then, the 0 signals NOT an alias, # so this would evaluate to TRUE function checkAlias() { local testfile="$1" # To be an alias, it must be of zero file size, # have a resource fork, # that contains an 'alis' resource. # Old way # test -s "$testfile" || test -s "$testfile/rsrc" && grep --quiet 'alis' "$testfile/rsrc" && return 1 # New way test -s "$testfile" || test -s "$testfile/..namedfork/rsrc" && grep --quiet 'alis' "$testfile/..namedfork/rsrc" && return $EX_ERR return 0; # Not an alias: success } # Allows user to choose a user directory to work on # 1. Grab usernames and ids from NetInfo filtering for user ids > 100 # dsusers=' ';for u in `nicl . -list /users | awk '{ print $2 }'`;do uid=`nicl . -read "/users/$u" uid | sed -e 's/^uid: //'`;if [ $uid -gt 100 ];then uhome=`nicl . -read "/users/$u" home | sed -e 's/home: //'`;dsusers="${users}$uid:$u:$uhome ";fi;done;echo $dsusers # 2. Grab usernames and ids from /etc/passwd, filtering for user ids > 100 # pwusers=' ';for user in `cat /etc/passwd | grep -v '#' | sed -e 's/:/ /g' | awk '{ print $1":"$3":"$6 }'`;do uid=`echo $user | cut -f 2 -d ':'`;if [ $uid -gt 100 ];then pwusers="${pwusers}${user} ";fi;done;echo ":$pwusers:" # 3. Grab usernames and ids from any other system Apple uses for storing user info that does not require higher system level operations. NA # 4. Grab usernames and ids from the /Users folder # 5. Condense all the info privileging the information in reverse order # 6. Filter out any common user ids that are system user ids # 6. Print a list of usernames, using the userids as menu selects # 7. In the input, the user can either type in the user's id, the user's name, or an absolute path to the directory in question. # 8. Parse user input: If it's a number, grab the associated home direcory; if it's a name, go with the username's associated home directory; if it starts with a slash, just go to that directory function chooseUserDirectory() { local user local uid local uname local uhome local uc local ul local tail local homedir='' local choice local err=0 local ds_command if [ -z "$USERLIST" ];then startServices local dsusers='' for uid in `$DSCL . -list /users uid 2>/dev/null | $AWK '{ print $2}'`;do if [ $uid -gt 400 ];then uname=`id -un $uid | $AWK '{ print $1 }'` uhome=`$DSCL . -read "/users/$uname" home 2>/dev/null | $AWK '{ print $2 }'` dsusers="${dsusers}$uid:$uname:$uhome " fi done if [ ! -z "$dsusers" ];then USERLIST="$dsusers" fi local pwusers='' for user in `cat /etc/passwd | $GREP -v '#' | grep -v '^_' | cut -d : -f 1,3,6`;do uid=`echo "$user" | cut -f 2 -d :` if [ $uid -gt 100 ] && echo " $USERLIST" | $GREP -v " $uid:">/dev/null;then user=`echo "$uid:$user" | cut -d : -f 1,2,4` pwusers="${pwusers}${user} " fi done; if [ ! -z "$pwusers" ];then USERLIST="${USERLIST}$pwusers" fi local dirusers='' for user in `$LS -CLln /Users/ | $GREP '^d' | $EGREP -v '(Shared|Temporary)' | $AWK '{ print $3":/Users/"$9 }'`;do uid=`echo $user | cut -f 1 -d :` uhome=`echo $user | cut -f 2 -d :` uname=`id -nu "$uid"` if [ $uid -gt 100 ] && echo " $USERLIST" | $GREP -v " $uid:">/dev/null;then dirusers="${dirusers}${uid}:${uname}:${uhome} " fi done if [ ! -z "$dirusers" ];then USERLIST="${USERLIST}$dirusers" fi fi echo "" uc=0 for ul in $( for user in $USERLIST;do echo $user done | sort -n );do if [ $uc -ge 3 ]; then echo "" uc=0 fi uid=${ul%%:*} tail=${ul#*:} # leaves us with username:/user/path un=${tail%%:*} loggit -n "[${uid}] $un " let "uc=(uc+1)" done echo "" echo 'Enter the user id or user name of the user whose home folder you want ' echo -n 'to work on. You can also just type in the path directly, if you prefer> ' read choice echo '' # check if choice is empty if [ -z "$choice" ];then loggit "You did not enter anything. Returning to main menu." UD='' # clear user directory and send them back return fi # check if choice is a well-formed directory path if echo $choice | grep -q '^/';then homedir="$choice" else # loop through all the users in the USERLIST and look for matches to input for user in $USERLIST;do uid=${user%%:*} tail=${user#*:} # leaves us with username:/user/path uname=${tail%%:*} uhome=${tail##*:} if [ "$choice" == "$uid" ];then homedir="$uhome" loggit "for user $uid, the home directory is $uhome" break else if [ "$choice" == "$uname" ];then homedir="$uhome" loggit "for username $uname, the home directory is $uhome" break fi fi done fi if [ -z "$homedir" ];then loggit "${bW}$choice is not a valid user id, user name, or directory. Please try again${eW}" err=$EX_ERR else if [ ! -d "$homedir" ];then loggit "${bW}$homedir does not exist. Please try again.${eW}" err=$EX_ERR fi fi if [ $err -eq $EX_ERR ];then echo '' chooseUserDirectory else UD="$homedir" fi } function countDown() { local count if [ -z "$1" ];then let count=$DEFAULTDELAY else count=$1 fi for ((i=1; i <= count ; i++));do echo -n "."; sleep 1 done echo "" return } function getUserApproval() { local ans echo "" echo -en "${1} [${bH}y${eH}/${bH}n${eH}]: ${bK}" read ans echo -e "${eK}" echo "" if [ "$ans" = "y" ];then return $EX_OK else return $EX_ERR fi } function loggit() { local nls local string if [ "$1" = "-n" ];then nls="$1" string="$2" else nls="" string="$1" fi echo $nls -e "$string" if [ $WRITEABLEROOT -eq 1 ];then if [ -z "$TEMPLOG" ];then # file system is writable and there is nothing in the templog to write to the log # filter out any formatting codes when you put the string into the log. echo $nls "$string" | $SED -e 's/\\033\[[0-9]*m//g' | tee -a "$LOGFILE" >/dev/null else # file system has become writable and we must dump the templog to the log file string=`echo "$string" | $SED -e 's/\\\033\[[0-9]*m//g'` # strip color codes for log TEMPLOG="$TEMPLOG:n:$string" # Wish wish wish I could find a way to create a newline here # If AppleJack log does not exist, or is greater than 500k, start new log if [ ! -e "$LOGFILE" ] || [ `/usr/bin/du -k "$LOGFILE" | $AWK '{ print $1 }'` -gt 500 ];then echo "Resetting $LOGFILE" echo "****************** ${D}: NEW LOG STARTED ******************" > "$LOGFILE" echo "" >> "$LOGFILE" fi # keep this on two separate lines so we can capture the line break echo "$TEMPLOG" | $SED -e 's/:n:/ \ /g' >> "$LOGFILE" # disable temp logging for future iterations unset TEMPLOG fi else # file system is not writeable, doing temp logging string=`echo "$string" | $SED -e 's/\\\033\[[0-9]*m//g'` # strip color codes for log TEMPLOG="$TEMPLOG $string" fi } # Not implemented, but a way to test mounting in real time rather than with # a status variable such as WRITEABLEROOT # Snow Leopard: when mounted read-only, mount reports: # root_device on / (hfs, local, read-only, journaled) # when mounted read/write, it reports: # /dev/disk0s2 on / (hfs, local, journaled) # of course, one can always try to touch a file, like during the init of this # script. function writable() { mount | while read -r line; do hit=`echo $line | grep 'root_device' | grep 'read-only'` if [ ! -z "$hit" ];then loggit "root disk mounted read only" return $EX_ERR fi done loggit "root disk mounted read+write" return $EX_OK } function mountem() { if [ -z "$WRITEABLEROOT" ];then WRITEABLEROOT=0 elif [ $WRITEABLEROOT -eq 1 ];then loggit "Root file system already mounted. Continue." return 0 fi loggit "Let's mount the startup file system for write access..." if $MOUNT -vuw /;then WRITEABLEROOT=1 if [ -f /etc/fstab ]; then loggit "Mounting local filesystems in fstab" $MOUNT -vat nonfs fi loggit "Done." loggit -n "Checking for /tmp directory: " if [ -d "/tmp" ];then loggit "/tmp directory exists." else loggit "${bW}/tmp directory does not exist${eW}" if [ ! -d "/private/tmp" ];then loggit "${bW}/private/tmp does not exist either${eW}" loggit -n "Creating /private/tmp: " $MKDIR -v "/private/tmp" | $TEE -a "$LOGFILE" loggit -n "Setting correct permissions: " $CHMOD -v 1777 "/private/tmp" | $TEE -a "$LOGFILE" fi loggit -n "Creating symbolic link from /tmp to /private/tmp: " $LN -sv "/private/tmp" "/tmp" | $TEE -a "$LOGFILE" if [ -d "/tmp" ];then loggit "All set." SANDBOX="/tmp" cd "$SANDBOX" else loggit "${bW}Could not create /tmp directory. Something seems to be wrong " loggit "with your file system. Proceed with caution${eW}" fi fi loggit "Done." else loggit "${bE}Root file system could not be mounted. Script must quit. ${eE}" exit $EX_OSERR fi echo "" return 0 } function services() { if [ -z "$SERVICES" ];then SERVICES=0 # Start assuming services have not been loaded elif [ "$SERVICES" -eq 1 ];then loggit "- All supporting services appear to be loaded." return 0 # return success: services have been started fi # otherwise, check case "$ANIMAL" in 4) cs="diskarbitrationd configd memberd notifyd securityd lookupd DirectoryService" ;; 5) cs="launchd notifyd configd syslogd distnoted DirectoryService diskarbitrationd kdcmond KernelEventAgent securityd" ;; 6) cs="launchd notifyd configd syslogd distnoted DirectoryService diskarbitrationd KernelEventAgent securityd" ;; esac pss=`ps -axco command` m=0 ct=0 for c in $cs;do let "ct=$ct+1" for ps in $pss;do if [ "$c" = "$ps" ];then let "m=$m+1" break fi done done if [ $ct -eq $m ];then SERVICES=1 loggit "- All supporting services appear to be loaded." return $EX_OK # return true fi loggit "- All supporting services are not loaded." return $EX_ERR # return false } function startServices() { if services; then return 0 fi # make sure file system is mounted for read/write access mountem case "$ANIMAL" in 4 ) loggit "Configuring minimal Tiger services..." ( SafeBoot='-x' export -n SafeBoot # Create mach symbol file sysctl -n kern.symfile if [ -f /mach.sym ]; then ln -sf /mach.sym /mach else ln -sf /mach_kernel /mach fi echo "Configuring kernel extensions for safe boot" touch /private/tmp/.SafeBoot # $KEXTD -x # c=don't use repositories, -v 1 =quiet, print only errors # x=run in safe boot mode $KEXTD -c -v 1 -x echo "Loading basic launchd services..." ( launchctl load /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/ launchctl load /etc/mach_init.d/notifyd.plist wait syslog -c 0 -p # throw syslog output away from the screen syslog -x /dev/null >/dev/null wait for plist in configd coreservicesd DirectoryService diskarbitrationd distnoted hdiejectd kuncd lookupd mds memberd notifyd scsid securityd translated; do launchctl load /etc/mach_init.d/${plist}.plist > /dev/null 2>&1 & wait done for plist in; do launchctl load /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/${plist}.plist > /dev/null 2>&1 & wait done ) 2>&1>/dev/null & wait ) 2>&1>/dev/null & wait ;; 5 ) loggit "Configuring minimal Leopard services..." ( SafeBoot='-x' export -n SafeBoot echo "Configuring kernel extensions for safe boot" touch /private/tmp/.SafeBoot # launchd is handling kextd startup in Leopard # but we can't configure it with the plist # launchctl load /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/ # $KEXTD -x # c=don't use repositories, v 1 =quiet, print only errors # x=run in safe boot mode $KEXTD -c -v 1 -x ############################################################ # Many thanks to Steve Anthony for his substantial effort in # figuring out the startup sequence for Leopard. ############################################################ echo "Loading basic launchd services..." ( launchctl load /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/ launchctl load /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/ launchctl load /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/ wait syslog -c 0 -p # throw syslog output away from the screen syslog -x /dev/null >/dev/null wait for plist in; do launchctl load /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/${plist}.plist > /dev/null 2>&1 & wait done ) 2>&1>/dev/null & wait ) 2>&1>/dev/null & wait ;; 6 ) loggit "Configuring minimal Snow Leopard services..." ( # Probably going overboard here with the environment variable # AND the flag, but I can't see the logic of how it's being read # down the line, so playing it safe. SafeBoot='-x' export -n SafeBoot echo "Configuring kernel extensions for safe boot" touch /private/tmp/.SafeBoot # launchctl load /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/ # launchd should be handling kextd startup in Leopard # but we can't configure it with the plist # c=don't use repositories, q=quiet, print only errors # x=run in safe boot mode $KEXTD -c -q -x ############################################################ # Many thanks to Steve Anthony for his substantial effort in # figuring out the startup sequence for Snow Leopard. ############################################################ echo "Loading basic launchd services..." ( launchctl load /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/ launchctl load /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/ launchctl load /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/ wait syslog -c 0 -p # throw syslog output away from the screen syslog -x /dev/null >/dev/null wait for plist in; do launchctl load /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/${plist}.plist > /dev/null 2>&1 & wait done ) 2>&1>/dev/null & wait ) 2>&1>/dev/null & wait ;; * ) ;; esac echo "" echo "Waiting for services to start..." echo "" sleep 15 # loggit "Done. -${exit_status}-" loggit "Done." SERVICES=1 loggit "" echo "" return } function progress() { local process="$1" local message="$2" local sleeptime=$3 local mLength=`echo $message | wc -m` let "mLength=(mLength-1)" let "line=(67-mLength)" local dot=0 echo -n "$message" sleep $sleeptime local ps=`ps -ax | $GREP "$process" | $GREP -v 'grep'` while [ ! -z "$ps" ];do if [ $dot -ge $line ];then echo "" echo -n "$message" let "dot=0" else echo -n "." let "dot=(dot+1)" fi sleep $sleeptime ps=`ps -ax | $GREP "$process" | $GREP -v 'grep'` done } function repairDisks() { local drc # disk repair count local exit_status local taskDescription # task description local options # options to pass to fsck local redo # redo disk repair? local speedup loggit -n "Disk repair" countDown # set disk repair count if not passed if [ -z $1 ];then drc=0 fi if [ $WRITEABLEROOT -ne 0 ];then loggit "${bW}Root disk has already been mounted for write access${eW}" echo "If you want to repair the disk, restart into single user mode and " taskDescription=`echo ${TASKNAMES[1]} | $SED -e 's/\\\033\[[0-9]*m//g'` echo "choose '$taskDescription' as your first task." loggit "Disk repair aborted." else # if [ $JOURNALED -eq 1 ];then # options=' -f' # else # options='' # fi # if /sbin/fsck -y${options};then if /sbin/fsck -y -f;then exit_status=$? # No problems found loggit "Success! Either your disk had no errors, or it was repaired " loggit "successfully." echo "(If you were prompted to restart, you can ignore that for now.)" echo "" loggit "Done with disk repairs -${exit_status}-" else exit_status=$? let "drc=($drc+1)" # Problems found loggit "Some errors were found that were not repaired. You should " loggit "attempt to repair the disk again. -${exit_status}-" if [ $AUTO -gt 0 ];then loggit -n "AppleJack will try to repair the disk again in $CANCELTIME seconds. [${bH}c${eH}ancel] ${bK}" # Define different REPLY variable for different task read -t $CANCELTIME REPLY[$AUTO] <&1 echo -en "${eK}" if [ -z "${REPLY[$AUTO]}" ];then # Block auto mode from running more than DRL disk repair # attempts. if [ $drc -ge $DRL ];then echo "" echo "" loggit "AppleJack has attempted $drc disk repairs without success. ${bW}Apple's " loggit "standard disk repair utility is having trouble making the necessary " loggit "repairs${eW} You might want to consider using other tools such as Disk " loggit "Warrior${bPar}tm${ePar} or TechTool Pro${bPar}tm${ePar}." redo="n" else redo="y" fi else redo="n" fi else # Tell user to maybe give up if more than DRL attempts have been made. if [ -z $speedup ];then speedup=0 fi let "manualLimit=($DRL + $speedup)" if [ $drc -ge $manualLimit ];then echo "" echo -e "You have attempted $drc repairs without success. ${bW}Apple's standard disk " echo -e "repair utility is having trouble fixing this disk${eW} You might want to " echo "consider using other tools such as Disk Warrior${bPar}tm${ePar} or TechTool Pro${bPar}tm${ePar}." # post warning more frequently now, but not every time let "speedup=(($manualLimit / 2) +1)" echo "" fi if getUserApproval "Repeat disk repair?";then redo="y" else redo="n" fi fi if [ "$redo" = "y" ]; then repairDisks $drc else loggit "${bW}Disk repair aborted. The disk directory is not healthy${eW}" echo "We recommend you repair the disk before doing anything else." # only do this if in auto mode if [ $AUTO -ne 0 ];then echo -e "${bW}As a precaution, AppleJack will now exit automatic mode${eW}" AUTO=0 fi fi fi fi } function validatePreferences() { # boolean(y/n): should we check user prefs local checkUserPrefs loggit -n "Validating preference files" countDown # Make sure disks are mounted and writable first mountem if [ -d '/private/etc/mach_init.d' ];then loggit "Checking mach init preference files ${bPar}/etc/mach_init.d${ePar}: " prefCheck '/private/etc/mach_init.d' loggit "Done. -$?-" loggit "" fi if [ -d '/private/var/db/SystemConfiguration' ];then loggit "Checking system configuration files ${bPar}/var/db/SystemConfiguration${ePar}: " prefCheck '/private/var/db/SystemConfiguration' loggit "Done. -$?-" loggit "" fi if [ -d '/private/var/root/Library/Preferences' ];then loggit "Checking root preference files ${bPar}/var/root/Library/Preferences${ePar}: " prefCheck '/private/var/root/Library/Preferences' loggit "Done. -$?-" loggit "" fi if [ -d '/Library/Preferences' ];then loggit "Checking system preference files ${bPar}/Library/Preferences${ePar}: " prefCheck '/Library/Preferences' loggit "Done. -$?-" loggit "" fi # Only run this option if auto mode is off. if [ $AUTO -eq 0 ];then if getUserApproval "Would you like to find and remove corrupted preference files for any specific user?";then checkUserPrefs="y" else checkUserPrefs="n" loggit "User preference files untouched." fi while [ "$checkUserPrefs" = "y" ];do # This function sets the value for UD, user directory chooseUserDirectory # if UD is empty, act as if the user has changed their mind if [ -z "$UD" ];then checkUserPrefs='n' else if [ -d "$UD/Library/Preferences" ];then loggit "Checking the preference files in $UD/Library/Preferences" prefCheck "$UD/Library/Preferences" loggit "Done. -$?-" else loggit "${bE}$UD/Library/Preferences does not exist!${eE}" echo 'Skipping this task.' fi if ! getUserApproval 'Would you like to find and remove corrupted preference files for another user?'; then checkUserPrefs='n' fi fi done fi } function prefCheck() { local owd=`pwd` local folder="$1" local qFolder="$1 ${bPar}Corrupt${ePar}" local badPrefs # list of bad preference files local filesMoved # (int) how many preference files were moved? local tBP # list of bad preference files (temporary) local bp # name of bad preference file local bpDir # path to the bad preference file local rVal # (int) return value: either 0 or 1 cd "$folder" if [ -z "$2" ];then badPrefs=`find . -type f \( -name "*.plist" \) -print0 | xargs -0 $PLUTIL -s` elif [ "$2" = "xml" ];then badPrefs=`find . -type f \( -name "*.plist" -o -name "*.xml" \) -print0 | xargs -0 $PLUTIL -s` fi # This is kind of crummy to have to use the \x00 kluge, but I see no better # way at present badPrefs=`echo $badPrefs | $SED -e "s#:[^/]*#:#g" -e "s/ /\x00/g" -e "s/:/ /g"` if [ "$badPrefs" != "" ];then if [ ! -d "$qFolder" ]; then $MKDIR "$qFolder" # Is there a better place for this? $CHMOD 777 "$qFolder" # Don't want a user stuck with a folder they can't delete # Is this a possible security problem? No, because all preferences folders # are already readable by everyone [except /var/root/Library/Preferences] fi filesMoved=0 for tBP in $badPrefs;do # Convert to usable form for processing. Remove any leading dot. (Usually # only the first corrupt preference file will have this). bp=`echo $tBP | $SED -e 's/\x00/\ /g' -e 's/&/\&/g' -e 's/^\.//'` # Create path at which the preference file should live. # TODO find a way to make this parse even if there are slashes in the filename bpDir=`echo $bp | $SED -e 's/\/[^\/]*$//'`; # No need to check for sym or hard links, as plutil correctly follows them # to the source file # checkAlias returns 1 if file is an alias; 0 if not. if checkAlias ".$bp" ; then loggit "Corrupt preference file: .$bp" loggit "--> Moving to ${qFolder}${bpDir}" if [ ! -d '${qFolder}${bpDir}' ];then $MKDIR -p "${qFolder}${bpDir}" fi $MV ".$bp" "${qFolder}${bpDir}" let "filesMoved=$filesMoved+1" fi done echo "" if [ $filesMoved -lt 1 ]; then rVal=$EX_OK # Since no corrupt files were moved, attempt to remove directory. # This will fail in cases where files were moved on a previous run, in # which case we just want it to fail silently, and leave the directory # in place. This situation is currently only applicable in cases that # involve aliases. $RMDIR "$qFolder" 2>/dev/null elif [ $filesMoved -eq 1 ]; then loggit "One corrupt preference file was moved." rVal=$EX_ERR else loggit "$filesMoved corrupt preference files were moved." rVal=$EX_ERR fi # Return to old location cd "$owd" return $rVal fi } function cleanupVM() { loggit -n "Virtual memory cleanup" countDown mountem # Make sure disks are mounted first if [ ! -d "$swapdir" ];then loggit "The virtual memory directory $swapdir does not exist. Please " loggit "ensure that a correct location has been specified in /etc/rc " loggit "and that the virtual memory directory actually exists. " loggit "Virtual memory cleanup aborted." else cd "$swapdir" if [ $? -eq 0 ] && [ `pwd` = "$swapdir" ];then # double check this loggit -n "Removing swap files: " $RM -vfd "${swapdir}/"swapfile* | tee -a "$LOGFILE" loggit "Done." echo "" # Should only be applicable to system versions >= 10.4 if [ -d "app_profile" ];then cd "app_profile" # remove app_profile contents loggit -n "Removing VM working sets: " $RM -vf "${swapdir}/app_profile/"* loggit "Done." echo "" fi # Should only be applicable to system versions >= 10.4 # TODO: move this to advanced mode? # Only run this option if automode is off. if [ $AUTO -eq 0 ] && [ -e "sleepimage" ];then if getUserApproval "Would you like to delete your safe sleep image?";then # remove sleepimage loggit -n "Removing the safe sleep image: " $RM -vf "${swapdir}/"sleepimage | tee -a "$LOGFILE" loggit "Done." echo "" fi fi else loggit "Could not change working directory to $swapdir." loggit "Virtual memory cleanup has been aborted." fi cd "$SANDBOX" fi } function cacheCleanup() { local cf # cache file local cleanUserCache # (boolean) should the user cache be cleaned [y/n] local cachedir # (string) user cache directory local keep_going # (boolean) continue processing directories? [0/1] loggit -n "Cache file cleanup" countDown mountem # Make sure disks are mounted first loggit -n "Removing system cache files: " # -v option makes the rm command verbose if [ -d "/System/Library/Caches" ];then find /System/Library/Caches/* -exec $RM -Rvf {} \; 2>/dev/null | tee -a "$LOGFILE" fi if [ -d "/Library/Caches" ];then if [ "$DEEP" -eq "1" ]; then find /Library/Caches/* -exec $RM -Rvf {} \; 2>/dev/null | tee -a "$LOGFILE" else find /Library/Caches/* ! -name '*' ! -name '*pictureCache.*' ! -name '*' -exec $RM -Rvf {} \; 2>/dev/null | tee -a "$LOGFILE" fi fi if [ -d "/private/var/root/Library/Caches" ];then find "/private/var/root/Library/Caches/*" -exec $RM -Rvf {} \; 2>/dev/null | tee -a "$LOGFILE" fi for cf in "/private/var/db/volinfo.database" "/private/var/db/BootCache.playlist" "/private/var/db/prebindOnDemandBadFiles" "/System/Library/Extensions.kextcache" "/System/Library/Extensions.mkext"; do if [ -f "$cf" ];then $RM -fv "$cf" 2>/dev/null | tee -a "$LOGFILE" fi done loggit "Done removing system cache files." loggit "" if [ $AUTO -eq 0 ];then # Only run this option if auto mode is off. if getUserApproval "Would you like to find and remove known cache files for a specific user?";then cleanUserCache="y" else cleanUserCache="n" loggit "User cache files untouched." fi while [ "$cleanUserCache" = "y" ];do chooseUserDirectory cachedir="${UD}/Library/Caches" if [ -d "$cachedir" ];then cd "$cachedir" if [ $? -eq 0 ] && [ `pwd` = "$cachedir" ];then # Double check we're in the right place loggit "Removing files in $cachedir:" if [ "$DEEP" -eq "1" ];then $RM -Rvf "${cachedir}/"* 2>/dev/null | tee -a "$LOGFILE" # Silence error output on empty directories else # Currently, the commands here are identical $RM -Rvf "${cachedir}/"* 2>/dev/null | tee -a "$LOGFILE" fi keep_going=1 loggit "Done. -$?-" else loggit "Unable to switch to $cachedir for processing." loggit "Directory appears to be invalid." keep_going=0 fi cd "$SANDBOX" else loggit "$cachedir does not exist or is not a valid directory." keep_going=0 fi if ! getUserApproval "Would you like to find and remove known cache files for another user?";then cleanUserCache="n" fi done fi loggit "Done with cache file clean up task." loggit "" } function fixPermissions() { loggit -n "Permissions repair" countDown startServices # We need to start up supporting services for this echo "Repairing permissions" echo "${bPar}Depending on operating system, disk size, and processor speed this can" echo "take up to 30 minutes. Please wait.${ePar}:" progress diskutil "+" 5 & diskutil repairPermissions / | tee -a "$LOGFILE" wait # TODO: Fix this exit status. This is bogus, since it's actually the result of # the tee operation rather than the diskutil operation. loggit "Permissions have been repaired. -$?-" } # Let's find out who this user is # id requires launchd services to be running, use whoami instead function identityCheck() { if [ `whoami` != "root" ];then return $EX_ERR # False [failed] else return $EX_OK # True [success] fi } function restart() { loggit -n "Restarting `hostname`" countDown loggit "$GOODBYE" loggit "" (reboot &) } function quitScript() { local exeunt # How does the user want to exit # If user specified automatic restart or shutdown at runtime, quit automatically. case "$1" in 'restart') exeunt='r' ;; 'shutdown') exeunt='h' ;; *) # Else, quit manually echo "" loggit "${eK}Exiting the script." echo "If you have modified the disk at all, you should restart the computer " echo "before continuing to work." echo -en "Would you like to ${bH}r${eH}estart your computer, or s${bH}h${eH}ut down? ${bK}" read exeunt echo -en "${eK}" ;; esac # Clean up items go here # Turn syslog master filter off, in case startServices changed it. syslog -c 0 off case "$exeunt" in "r" | "R") restart exit $EX_OK ;; "h" | "H") shutDown exit $EX_OK ;; *) loggit "$GOODBYE" echo "${bPar}To restart your computer from the command line, just type 'reboot'${ePar}" loggit "" exit $EX_OK ;; esac } function selectNext() { ANS="NOT_NULL" # We set this to keep it from being null at the outset echo "" if [ -z "$AUTO" ];then #show this option only first time through. echo -e "$BANNER" echo "" echo "Enter the associated number or letter to select the next task." echo -e "It is ${bS}strongly${eS} recommended you do them in the order listed!" echo "" echo -e "[${bK}${TASKCODES[0]}${eK}] ${TASKNAMES[0]}. AppleJack will do all tasks sequentially." echo "" AUTO=0 # and set AUTO, so it won't show again elif [ $AUTO -eq 0 ];then # Only show this if not first time, and not in auto mode. echo -e "$BANNER" echo "" echo "Choose the next task..." echo "" fi if [ $AUTO -eq 0 ];then # Only show menu if Auto is not running # Really wish bash supported multi-dimensional arrays I=1 let "TASKLIST=${#TASKS[@]}-1" while [ "$I" -lt "$TASKLIST" ];do # We want to list quit option in a separate format echo -e "[${bK}$I${eK}] ${TASKNAMES[$I]}"; let "I=$I+1" done echo "" # echo -e "[${bK}X${eK}] : E${bK}x${eK}pert Tasks." echo "" echo -en "Your choice ${bPar}Just hit return to quit${ePar}: ${bK}" read ANS echo -en "${eK}" else # AUTO MODE ANS=$AUTO echo "" let "AUTO=$AUTO+1" #increment AUTO if [ $AUTO -gt 1 ];then # Only give these options if returning to the menu from another task. if [ "$AUTO" -eq "${#TASKS[@]}" ];then # We're at the last item, which is quit # If user specified automatic restart or shutdown at runtime, quit using their choice. echo "AppleJack has finished."; quitScript "$POSTSCRIPT" else echo "AppleJack auto mode: selecting task $ANS" taskDescription=`echo ${TASKNAMES[$ANS]} | $SED -e 's/\\\033\[[0-9]*m//g'` loggit "AppleJack will ${bS}${taskDescription}${eS} in $CANCELTIME seconds. " echo -en "[${bH}s${eH}kip this task/${bH}q${eH}uit AppleJack]${bK} " read -t $CANCELTIME RESP[$AUTO] <&1 # Set different reply depending on which step is being done. echo -ne "${eK}" if [ ! -z "${RESP[$AUTO]}" ];then # Guess I could also just reset the variable to null each time. case "${RESP[$AUTO]}" in "s" | "S") echo "" loggit "${TASKNAMES[$ANS]} skipped." selectNext ;; *) # Set to null so we quit later. ANS="" ;; esac fi fi fi echo "" fi if [ ! -z "$ANS" ];then # If user doesn't want to quit, continue I=0 let "TASKCOUNT=${#TASKNAMES[@]}" while [ "$I" -lt "$TASKCOUNT" ];do if [[ "$ANS" = "${TASKCODES[$I]}" || "$ANS" = "$I" || "$ANS" = "${TASKCODESUC[$I]}" ]];then eval "${TASKS[$I]}" # Run associated task selectNext fi let "I=$I+1" done # If you're here, you're probably wanting the expert menu, or you typed a # wrong key if [[ "$ANS" = "x" || "$ANS" = "X" ]]; then expertMenu else echo "Ooops! Looks like you typed the wrong key." selectNext fi else # Let user quit, if they want to quitScript fi } function shutDown() { loggit -n "Shutting down `hostname`" countDown loggit "$GOODBYE" loggit "" (shutdown -h now &) } function uninstall() { if getUserApproval "You are about to uninstall AppleJack. Are you sure?";then loggit "*********************** Uninstalling AppleJack ***********************" mountem # get script name, from expanded alias, just in case it's been modified. # thisAJ=`echo $0 | sed -e 's#^\.##'` local thisAJ="$0" # (string) location of this script local defaultAJ='/private/var/root/Library/Scripts/' # (string) the default location of this script # add current working directory local rootProfile='/private/var/root/.profile' # (string) location of the root profile local manPage='/usr/share/man/man8/applejack.8' # (string) default location of the AppleJack man page local tmp='/private/tmp/applejack.install' # location of temp file for uninstalling AppleJack # Set exit code to ok, to begin with local uEC=$EX_OK # eventual exit code to be returned if [ -e "$thisAJ" ];then loggit -n "found AppleJack script. Removing: " $RM -fv "$thisAJ" | tee -a "$LOGFILE" echo "" else loggit "could not find the invoked AppleJack script ${bPar}$thisAJ${ePar}." loggit "will try default location ${bPar}$defaultAJ${ePar}..." if [ -e "$defaultAJ" ];then loggit -n "found! Removing: " $RM -fv "$defaultAJ" | tee -a "$LOGFILE" else loggit "Not found! AppleJack script could not be removed." uEC=$EX_USAGE # user error fi fi loggit "Removing AppleJack Documentation:" if [ -d "/Library/Documentation/AppleJack" ];then cd "/Library/Documentation" loggit -n "-removing documentation from /Library/Documentation: " $RM -Rfv "AppleJack" | tee -a "$LOGFILE" cd "$SANDBOX" fi loggit -n "-removing AppleJack man caches: " find /usr/share/man -name 'applejack.*.gz' -exec $RM -v {} \; | tee -a "$LOGFILE" loggit "" loggit -n "-removing AppleJack man pages: " find /usr -type f \( -name 'applejack.8' -o -name 'applejack.1' \) -exec $RM -fv {} \; | tee -a "$LOGFILE" loggit "" loggit "Done." if [ -d "/Library/Receipts/AppleJack.pkg" ];then loggit -n "Deleting the installer receipt: " cd "/Library/Receipts" $RM -Rfv "AppleJack.pkg" | tee -a "$LOGFILE" cd $SANDBOX loggit "Done." fi if [ -f "$rootProfile" ];then loggit -n "Restoring the root profile: " $SED -e '/[aA]pple[jJ]ack/d' "$rootProfile" > "$tmp" $RM -fv "$rootProfile" $MV -v "$tmp" "$rootProfile" | tee -a "$LOGFILE" loggit "Done." fi if [ "$uEC" -ne "$EX_OK" ]; then loggit "AppleJack was not completely uninstalled. The AppleJack program could" loggit "not be found. Sorry." else loggit "AppleJack is uninstalled." fi loggit "$GOODBYE" exit $uEC else loggit "Uninstall aborted. AppleJack will now quit." exit $EX_OK; fi } ######################################################################## # EXPERT FUNCTIONS UNDER DEVELOPMENT ################################# ######################################################################## function xBlessDrive() { mountem # Make sure disks are available for r/w loggit "Bless Drive" # countDown 5 # sets global variable $blessthis if ! _xPickSystemFolder; then return $EX_ERR fi loggit "Blessing $blessthis" if getUserApproval "Would you also like to start up from $blessthis on restart?";then # Set current startup disk to <disk>. # systemsetup -setstartupdisk <disk> local sb='--setBoot' local fb="bless and startup from" local fbs="blessed and can be used at restart." else local sb='' local fb="bless" local fbs="blessed" fi # local out=`$BLESS -folder9 "$os9sf" "$use9" 2>&1` # local out=`$BLESS --folder "$blessthis" --bootinfo --bootefi $sb --verbose` local out=`$BLESS --folder "$blessthis" $sb` local res=$? if [ "$res" -ne "0" ];then loggit "Could not $fb $blessthis because: " loggit "$out" else loggit "System folder $fbs. $out" fi loggit "Done." } function _xPickSystemFolder() { local folderToBless # (string) The path of the folder we want to bless local device local nom local index=0 local ANS local a local chosen mountem startServices echo "- Loading information for attached disk(s)..." # get the device names with Apple_HFS partitions, and remember them if [ -z "$devices" ] || [ -z "$device_names" ];then for device in `diskutil list | awk '/Apple_HFS/ { print $NF }'`;do let "index=$index+1" # grab the volume name in an accurate way, even if spaces or odd chars nom=`diskutil info $device | grep 'Volume Name:' | cut -f 2 -d ':' | sed 's/^ *//'`; device_names[$index]=$nom devices[$index]=$device done fi for ((a=1; a <= $index; a++));do echo -e "[${bK}$a${eK}] ${device_names[$a]} on ${devices[$a]}" done while [ -z "$chosen" ];do echo -en "Enter the number of the disk you want to bless: ${bK}" read ANS echo -en "${eK}" if [ -z "$ANS" ];then echo "Looks like you have changed your mind. Giving up." return $EX_USAGE fi for ((a=1; a <= $index; a++));do if [ "$ANS" = "$a" ];then chosen=$ANS break fi done if [ -z "$chosen" ];then echo "$ANS is not in the list of disks. Try again." fi done echo "You chose ${device_names[$chosen]} on ${devices[$chosen]}" if ! mount | $GREP "${devices[$chosen]} on" >/dev/null;then echo -n "/dev/${devices[$chosen]} is not mounted. Mounting..." # mount the device diskutil mount /dev/${devices[$chosen]} echo " Done." fi # we can't be sure there was no whitespace in the disk name beginning or end, so folderToBless=`$LS -d /Volumes/*/System/Library/CoreServices | grep "${device_names[$chosen]}"` if [ ! -d "$folderToBless" ]; then # if [ -d "/Volumes/${device_names[$chosen]}/System/Library/CoreServices" ];then echo "" echo "There is no system folder on ${device_names[$chosen]}. Please choose another device." echo "" if ! _xPickSystemFolder;then return $EX_USAGE fi fi blessthis="$folderToBless" # blessthis is the global variable to set return $EX_OK # ( # IFS=$'\n' # index=0 # sysfolders=() # echo "Searching for available system folders..." # sys=($(find / -maxdepth 3 -type d -name "System" 2>/dev/null )) # sysindex=${#sys[@]} # for (( i=0; i<${sysindex};i++)); do # if [ -d "${sys[$i]}/Library/CoreServices" ];then # let "index=index+1" # echo "[${bK}${index}${eK}] ${sys[$i]}/Library/CoreServices" # sysfolders[$index]="${sys[$i]}/Library/CoreServices" # fi # done # echo ">${sysfolders[0]}" # echo ">${sysfolders[1]}" # ) } # This will remove cached items at the machine and system level, with the option # to do the same at the user level function xDeepCacheClean() { echo 'Choosing this option allows you to perform a deep cache clean mode without having to run AppleJack in auto mode. Deep cache clean differs from the normal cache clean in that it also removes the user icon caches and the launch services database in /Library/Caches. ' if getUserApproval 'Proceed with deep cache cleaning?';then loggit "Deep cache clean. ${bPar}Also available in AUTO mode.${ePar}" DEEP=1 # global variable cacheCleanup fi } function xDisableAutoLogin() { echo 'Disabling auto login forces all users to log in before accessing their accounts. This can be useful if the computer crashes or hangs during an automatic login to a user account.' if getUserApproval 'Are you sure you want to disable auto login?';then mountem # Make sure disks are available for r/w loggit -n "Disabling auto login" countDown 5 local wasEnabled=0 local xDAL_SUCCESS=1 # Assume error local eMsg='' local xDAL_steps case "$ANIMAL" in [4-6]* ) xDAL_steps=0 if defaults read /Library/Preferences/ autoLoginUser &> /dev/null;then xDAL_steps=1 wasEnabled=1 if defaults delete /Library/Preferences/ autoLoginUser >>"$LOGFILE" 2>&1;then let "xDAL_steps=($xDAL_steps-1)" fi fi if defaults read /Library/Preferences/ autoLoginUserUID &> /dev/null;then wasEnabled=1 let "xDAL_steps=($xDAL_steps+1)" if defaults delete /Library/Preferences/ autoLoginUserUID >>"$LOGFILE" 2>&1;then let "xDAL_steps=($xDAL_steps-1)" fi fi if [ $xDAL_steps -eq 0 ];then xDAL_SUCCESS=$EX_OK else eMsg='Could not delete the autoLoginUser and autoLoginUserUID keys from' fi;; * ) echo 'uh oh. Unsupported OS version.';; esac if [ $wasEnabled -eq 0 ];then loggit "Auto login is not enabled. No need to disable it." else if [ $xDAL_SUCCESS -eq $EX_OK ];then loggit "Auto login was successfully disabled." else loggit "Error while disabling auto login: $eMsg" fi loggit "Done -$xDAL_SUCCESS-" fi else loggit "Disabling of auto login aborted." xDAL_SUCCESS=$EX_OK # There is no error here, just an exit code fi } function xDisableNFSMounts() { echo 'Sometimes a recalcitrant NFS mount in NetInfo will keep Mac OS X from booting. If you have NFS mounts in NetInfo, and you suspect they might be causing your computer to not boot, this option might fix that by moving the /mounts directory to /disabled/mounts. (If there is enough interest, I might expand this function to also include NFS mounts in /etc/fstab.) ' if getUserApproval 'Do you wish to continue?';then mountem root # Make sure disks are available for r/w loggit -n "Disabling NFS mounts" countDown 5 local xDNFSM_result # exit status of this function $DSCL -raw "$DSDB" create disabled $DSCL -raw "$DSDB" move mounts disabled local ES=$? if [ $ES -eq 0 ];then xDNFSM_result=$EX_OK loggit "Success! The netinfo path /mounts has been moved to /disabled/mounts." else xDNFSM_result=$EX_SOFTWARE loggit "Failed! Could not modify move the netinfo /mounts path to /disabled." fi loggit "Done -$xDNFSM_result-" fi } function xDisableSysConfigFiles() { echo ' Sometimes, the system configuration files will keep the computer from booting. Generally, this will be the case if one or more of them are corrupted, but it can also happen if something has been misconfigured. Generally, AppleJack recommends you first do a preference file check before running this routine, which will move only corrupted preference files out of the way. This function is more blunt. It will simply rename the various system configuration files and directories by appending ".old" to the file name or directory name, thus effectively silencing them without destroying them. You can restore the files by moving them back to their original name. ' if getUserApproval 'Would you like to disable your current system configuration files?';then mountem root loggit -n "Disabling system configuration files" countDown 5 case "$ANIMAL" in 4) loggit "Moving system configuration files from /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration to /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration.old"; $MV -v /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration.old | tee -a "$LOGFILE"; $MKDIR -v -m 0755 /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration | tee -a "$LOGFILE" ;; 5) loggit "Moving system configuration files from /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration to /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration.old"; $MV -v /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration.old | tee -a "$LOGFILE"; $MKDIR -v -m 0755 /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration | tee -a "$LOGFILE" ;; 6) loggit "Moving system configuration files from /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration to /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration.old"; $MV -v /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration.old | tee -a "$LOGFILE"; $MKDIR -v -m 0755 /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration | tee -a "$LOGFILE" ;; *) echo "oh oh. unsupported operating system version." ;; esac loggit 'Done.' fi } function xDisableUserLoginItems() { echo ' If you suspect the login items in a user account is causing the computer to hang or crash, you can use this function to disable the login items. This function will first make a backup of the ~/Library/Preferences/loginwindow.plist file, and then delete the AutoLaunchedApplicationDictionary key from the original. ' if getUserApproval 'Do you wish to disable the login items for a user account?';then local xDULI_success # the exit status of this function mountem root loggit -n "Disable login items for which user?" echo "" chooseUserDirectory # This function sets the value for UD, user directory countDown 5 loggit "Making backup file at $UD/Library/Preferences/loginwindow.plist.old" $CP -vp "$UD/Library/Preferences/loginwindow.plist" "$UD/Library/Preferences/loginwindow.plist.old" loggit "Disabling login items in $UD" # First, find out the user id of the file # old panther/jaguar version of finding the uid of the file (no stat command) # local funame=`ls -l "$UD/Library/Preferences/loginwindow.plist" | awk '{ print $3 }'` #local fuid=`id -u "$funame"` fuid=`$STAT -f "%u" "$UD/Library/Preferences/loginwindow.plist"` # do the deed, which happens to set the file ownership to root if defaults delete "$UD/Library/Preferences/loginwindow" "AutoLaunchedApplicationDictionary" >>"$LOGFILE" 2>&1;then loggit -n 'Succesfully deleted the login items.' xDULI_success=$EX_OK else loggit -n 'There was an error deleting the login items.' xDULI_success=$EX_SOFTWARE fi # restore owner $CHOWN $fuid "$UD/Library/Preferences/loginwindow.plist" loggit " Done -$xDULI_success-" fi } function xEnableNewSetup() { echo ' Enabling a new system setup will remove all user account information from NetInfo, and prepare the computer to run the initial setup program that runs when you first buy a Mac. When you restart your computer after running this function, you will be greeted by the Apple User Setup program which will allow to configure your computer from scratch. Please note: User home folders are NOT removed. You will need to remove them manually later. ' if getUserApproval 'Do you wish to prepare your computer for new setup?';then mountem root # Make sure disks are available for r/w loggit -n "Enabling new system setup" countDown 5 if [ -d "$DSDB" ];then loggit -n "Moving the old netinfo database out of the way: " $MV -v "$DSDB" "${DSDB}.old" | tee -a "$LOGFILE" else loggit "The netinfo database could not be found." fi if [ -f /private/var/db/.AppleSetupDone ]; then loggit -n "Moving the Apple setup file: " $MV -v /private/var/db/.AppleSetupDone /private/var/db/.AppleSetupDone.old | tee -a "$LOGFILE" if [ -f /private/var/db/.RunLanguageChooserToo ]; then loggit -n "Moving the language chooser flag file: " $MV -v /private/var/db/.RunLanguageChooserToo /private/var/db/.RunLanguageChooserToo.old | tee -a "$LOGFILE" fi else loggit "The Apple setup file could not be found." fi if [ -f /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/preferences.plist ]; then loggit -n "Moving the system preferences file: " $MV -v /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/preferences.plist /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/preferences.plist.old | tee -a "$LOGFILE" else loggit "The system preferences file could not be found." fi loggit "Done. Your computer will initiate the setup process on restart." fi } # TODO: Shouldn't this be done before all services are started up? # you could do this like this: modify /etc/rc.local to search /tmp/applejack/ # for any scripts. If any are found, they would be executed and then deleted. # For example, you could write something like this: # /usr/local/sbin/memtest all 1 -L # and put it in /tmp/memtest.ajscript # Then, in rc.local or /var/root/.profile, you would do this: # for script in /tmp/*.ajscript;do # sh $script;done # rm /tmp/*.ajscript # done function xMemTest() { local PATH="$PATH:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/Applications/memtest" echo ' To run the memory test, you must either have opted to install the memtest os x program during the AppleJack installation, or already have it installed in one of these locations:' echo "$PATH" echo ' AppleJack will run all available tests three times, testing all available memory. If you want to maximize the amount of memory tested, run this test before you do anything else in AppleJack. (Yeah, I suppose it is a little late for that now, but at least now you know.) ' if getUserApproval 'Do you want to proceed with the memory test?';then # Add common install locations for memtest to the path local mt=`which memtest | $GREP -e '^/'`; local exit_status # exit status of this function if [ -z "$mt" ];then loggit "Could not find the required memtest program in any of these locations:" loggit "$PATH" echo "" echo "Are you sure it is installed?" exit_status=$EX_USAGE else if [ -x "$mt" ];then # Find out if we have a version capable of logging. Minimum version is 4.14 local mtvers=`"$mt" -v 2>/dev/null | grep 'Memtest version' | awk '{ print $3 }'` local logable=`echo "$mtvers 4.14" | awk '{if ($1 >= $2) print 1; else print 0}'` local logopt='' if [ "$logable" -eq "1" ];then if [ $WRITEABLEROOT -ne 1 ] && getUserApproval 'If you want a log of test results, we need to mount the root drive for writing. Do you want to do this?';then mountem fi if [ $WRITEABLEROOT -eq 1 ];then logopt='-L' fi fi # if [ $WRITEABLEROOT -eq 1 ] && [ "$logable" -eq "1" ];then logopt='-L';else logopt='';fi loggit "Running memory test using $mt all 3 $logopt" countDown 5 "$mt" all 3 "$logopt" exit_status=$? if [ ! -z "$logopt" ]; then cat "memtest.log" >> "$LOGFILE";$RM memtest.log;fi if [ "$exit_status" = "0" ];then loggit "Memory test was successfull. Your RAM is probably fine." else loggit "Memory test gave an error." fi else loggit "Found the memtest program at $mt, but it is not executable." exit_status=$EX_USAGE fi fi loggit "Done. -${exit_status}-" fi } # See Apple's documentation: function xRestoreNetinfoFromBackup() { echo "This function is not implemented yet." return local exit_status # exit status of this function mountem root # Make sure disk is available for r/w if [ -f "$DSDBdump" ];then # move old database out of the way # load backup db echo "loading backup db" else echo "get user approval" # if getUserApproval 'The old netinfo database could not be found. Would you like to create a new one?';then # fi fi if [ -d "$DSDB" ];then loggit -n "Moving the old netinfo database out of the way: " $MV -v "$DSDB" "${DSDB}.bad" | tee -a "$LOGFILE" else echo "something else" fi if [ ! -f "$DSDBdump" ];then loggit "The directory services database backup ${bPar}${DSDBdump}${ePar} could not be found!" loggit "AppleJack cannot continue with this procedure." else /usr/libexec/create_nidb case "$ANIMAL" in 4) cd /var/db/netinfo /usr/sbin/netinfod -s local # sh /etc/rc ;; esac /usr/bin/niload -v -d -r -t / localhost/local < "$DSDBdump" | tee -a "$LOGFILE" exit_status=$? cd "$SANDBOX" # Get back to the sandbox if we moved away from it loggit "Done -${exit_status}-" fi } function xSmartCheck() { local index local status local disks # Set a warning flag to 0 - everything OK local ret=$EX_OK # First get the list of devices disks=($(diskutil list | $GREP ^\/)) # now loop through each device and test to see if it's SMART enabled, # and verified for ((index=0 ; index < ${#disks[*]} ; index++ )); do echo echo "Results for ${disks[index]}:" df -h | grep ${disks[index]} | sed -e 's/ */ /' -e 's/^/ /' status=$(diskutil info ${disks[index]} | $AWK '/SMART/ { print $3$4 }') case "$status" in 'Verified') loggit " SMART Status: $status" ;; 'NotSupported') loggit ' SMART not supported on this device ' echo ' (generally only supported on IDE hard drives)' ;; *) # set the warning for the exit status loggit -e "${bW}***A SMART problem was reported with ${disks[index]}***${eW}" echo ret=$EX_ERR ;; esac done echo if [ $ret -eq 0 ];then loggit "No problems were found. -$ret-" else loggit "Problems were found. Backup your data on the problematic disk(s). -$ret-" fi return $ret } # Experimental development for advanced features. function expertMenu() { ANS="NOT_NULL" # We set this to keep it from being null at the outset echo "" echo -e "\033[4m AppleJack EXPERT Menu \033[0m" echo "These functions are experimental at this stage. If you experience " echo "any problems, please file a bug report at" echo "" echo "Choose the next task..." echo "" I=0 let "xTASKLIST=${#xTASKS[@]}-1" while [ "$I" -lt "$xTASKLIST" ];do echo -e "[${bK}$I${eK}] ${xTASKNAMES[$I]}"; let "I=$I+1" done echo "" echo "" echo -en "Your choice ${bPar}Just hit return to quit${ePar}: ${bK}" read ANS echo -en "${eK}" if [ ! -z "$ANS" ];then # If user doesn't want to quit, continue I=0 let "xTASKCOUNT=${#xTASKNAMES[@]}" while [ "$I" -lt "$xTASKCOUNT" ];do if [[ "$ANS" = "${xTASKCODES[$I]}" || "$ANS" = "$I" || "$ANS" = "${xTASKCODESUC[$I]}" ]];then eval "${xTASKS[$I]}" # Run associated task expertMenu # Return to menu fi let "I=$I+1" done # If you're here, you're probably typed a wrong key echo "Ooops! Looks like you typed the wrong key." expertMenu else # Let user quit, if they want to quitScript fi } ######################################################################## # END: EXPERT FUNCTIONS UNDER DEVELOPMENT ############################ ######################################################################## ######################################################################## # START OF APPLEJACK RUNTIME ######################################### ######################################################################## # Before doing anything, let's move our working directory to the safe sandbox. # by running the script from the SANDBOX directory, we hope to minimize damage from any bugs. if [ -d "/tmp" ];then SANDBOX="/tmp" elif [ -d "/private/var/tmp" ]; then SANDBOX="/private/var/tmp" else # In a pinch, we use this SANDBOX="/Library/Caches" fi cd "$SANDBOX" # Okay, first let's prepare for logging... # touching the log file helps us see if file system is writable and # therefore what mode of logging to start with. if touch "$LOGFILE" &>/dev/null; then # on success [exit status 0] WRITEABLEROOT=1 else WRITEABLEROOT=0 TEMPLOG= fi # How was script invoked? # Check for invocation of script with command line parameter for running # it automatically, for example, from another script. showusage=0 optFeedback= badopt= POSTSCRIPT= if [ ! -z "$1" ];then case "$1" in "auto" | "AUTO" ) optFeedback="Running in automatic mode" AUTO=1 if [ "$1" = "AUTO" ];then DEEP=1 optFeedback="$optFeedback, deep clean on" fi if [ ! -z "$2" ];then # Let's test for reboot as well as restart, for compatibility reasons if [ "$2" = "restart" ] || [ "$2" = "reboot" ];then optFeedback="$optFeedback, with automatic restart" POSTSCRIPT="restart" elif [ "$2" = "shutdown" ];then optFeedback="$optFeedback, with automatic shutdown" POSTSCRIPT="shutdown" else # incorrect options specified badopt="$2" showusage=1 fi else POSTSCRIPT="manual" optFeedback="$optFeedback, with manual exit" fi;; "uninstall" ) if identityCheck;then uninstall else echo -e "${bE}You are not authorized as the root user. To uninstall, use sudo ${eE}" echo -e "${bE}or run this script from single user mode. ${eE}" exit $EX_USAGE fi;; "version" | "--version" | "-v" ) # @todo: document this option echo "This is AppleJack $VERSION, $REVISION" echo "" exit $EX_OK;; * ) # incorrect options specified showusage=1 badopt="$1";; esac fi if [ $showusage -eq 1 ];then echo '' echo "AppleJack $VERSION, $REVISION: Invalid option '$badopt'" echo 'USAGE: applejack [auto|AUTO [restart|shutdown]]' echo 'type `man applejack` for more details' echo '' exit $EX_USAGE fi loggit "**********************************************************************" loggit "* AppleJack $VERSION, $REVISION *" loggit "* Copyright (c) 2002-10 Kristofer Widholm, The Apotek *" echo "* - AppleJack comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY *" echo "* - This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it *" echo "* under certain conditions, as specified in the GPL LICENSE you *" echo "* read during installation of this product: *" echo "* *" echo "* USAGE ${bPar}interactive${ePar}: Just run through the tasks in the menu below, *" echo "* in ascending order, and let AppleJack fix your machine. *" echo "* USAGE ${bPar}automatic mode${ePar}: To start AppleJack in auto mode, type: *" echo "* 'applejack auto' *" echo "* 'applejack auto restart' (restarts computer when done) *" echo "* 'applejack auto shutdown' (shuts down the computer when done) *" echo "* To do a deep clean of the system, use AUTO instead of auto. *" echo "* Please see the man page for details: \`man applejack\` *" echo "* *" echo "* Donations gratefully accepted at *" echo "**********************************************************************" echo "" D=`date` loggit "$D. Gathering information..." loggit "$optFeedback" # Make sure the script is being run by root if identityCheck;then loggit -n "- User ID: ${IDENTITY[0]}, NAME: ${IDENTITY[1]}" else loggit "- User ID: ${IDENTITY[0]}, NAME: ${IDENTITY[1]}" echo -e "${bE}You are not authorized as the root user. AppleJack must quit. ${eE}" exit $EX_USAGE fi # Okay, are we in single user mode? In the past, before, Leopard, we could count on id to behave differently in single user mode vs loaded, but now the behavior is difficult to discern. So we'll use the rather crude method of counting lines of output from ps ax. If there's less than 20 lines, we're pretty sure we're in single user mode, even after having loaded our basic services # SUM=`id | $GREP -E '[^0]\('` # In single user mode, SUM should be empty. # if [ ! -z "$SUM" ];then process_count=`ps ax | wc -l | sed 's/ //g'` # how many processes are running? if [ $process_count -gt 25 ]; then loggit "" loggit "${bW}!!! WARNING: You are not running AppleJack in single user mode! !!${eW}" loggit "${bW}!!! Certain tasks can cause your operating system to crash. !!${eW}" loggit "${bW}!!! Proceed at your own risk. !!${eW}" echo -e "(For Single User Mode: Press and hold ${bK}command${eK} and ${bK}s${eK} immediately after restart.)" loggit "" fi # Let's find out Mac OS X version in order to start the right services. OSV=`sw_vers 2>/dev/null | $AWK '/ProductVersion/ { print $2 }'` loggit "- OS Version: $OSV" # TODO: Look for directory services DB in standard location, and allow user to input their location if not found. # Check for location of swapdir swapdir='' if [ -e /etc/rc ];then vmsrc='/etc/rc' swapdir=`$GREP -E "^[^#]*swapdir=[/\"']" /etc/rc | $SED -e 's/"//g' -e "s/'//g" | cut -f 2 -d =` fi if [ "$swapdir" = "" ] && [ -e '/System/Library/LaunchDaemons/' ];then vmsrc='dynamic_pager' # Register the PA variable, for getting the VM location later declare -arx PA=`defaults read /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/ ProgramArguments`; swapdir="${PA[2]}"; swapdir=`echo "$swapdir" | awk -F/ '{for (i=2; i<NF; i++) printf "/"$i}'` fi if [ ! "$swapdir" = "" ];then loggit "- According to $vmsrc, virtual memory is located at $swapdir." else loggit "${bW}Unable to discover location of virtual memory directories${eW}" echo 'Make sure $swapdir is declared in a standard way. As a temporary' echo 'workaround, please enter the correct VM directory location at the ' echo 'prompt. Or just hit return to accept the default location ' echo -n "${bPar}/private/var/vm${ePar} instead. [enter directory]: " read vmDir if [ ! "$vmDir" = "" ];then swapdir="$vmDir" loggit "- Using $vmDir as the swap file location." else swapdir='/private/var/vm' loggit '- Defaulting to /private/var/vm' fi fi if [ ! -d "$swapdir" ];then loggit "${bW}WARNING! Swap directory $swapdir does not appear to exist. " echo -e "Proceed with caution${eW}" fi # Check if root file system is journaled # (Issuing the mount command without parameters simply lists volumes) if mount | $GREP 'on / (' | $GREP 'journal' 1>/dev/null;then JOURNALED=1 loggit "- Local root filesystem is journaled" else JOURNALED=0 fi # OS Specific Configuration ANIMAL=`echo $OSV | cut -f 2 -d . ` case "$ANIMAL" in 4) # Where is the netinfo database located? DSDB='/private/var/db/netinfo/local.nidb' # Where is the netinfo database backup located? DSDBdump='/private/var/backups/local.nidump' ;; 5) # Where is the netinfo database located? DSDB="." # Where is the netinfo database backup located? # @todo: convert this to dscl info DSDBdump="/private/var/backups/local.nidump" ;; 6) # Where is the netinfo database located? DSDB="." # Where is the netinfo database backup located? # @todo: convert this to dscl info DSDBdump="/private/var/backups/local.nidump" ;; *) loggit "${bW}This version of AppleJack supports only Mac OS X versions 10.4.x and" loggit "above. It's advisable to not use it unless you absolutely have to. For" loggit "Mac OS X versions prior to 10.4.x, please use AppleJack version 1.4.3${eW}" ;; esac # TODO: Output warning for bad environment if [ $BADENV -ne 0 ];then loggit "${bW}WARNING: Some necessary commands could not be found in their standard locations.${eW}" echo 'If you have installed custom binaries or otherwise modified the' echo 'operating environment, you may experience problems.' fi ######################################################################## # APPLEJACK READY; PRESENT MENU ###################################### ######################################################################## selectNext #Script should never reach this, but just in case... bell exit $EX_SOFTWARE

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