gridLayoutManeger autofit in RecyclerView

public class GridAutofitLayoutManager extends GridLayoutManager { private int mColumnWidth; private boolean mColumnWidthChanged = true; public GridAutofitLayoutManager(Context context, int columnWidth) { super(context, 1); setColumnWidth(checkedColumnWidth(context, columnWidth)); } public GridAutofitLayoutManager(Context context, int columnWidth, int orientation, boolean reverseLayout) { /* Initially set spanCount to 1, will be changed automatically later. */ super(context, 1, orientation, reverseLayout); setColumnWidth(checkedColumnWidth(context, columnWidth)); } private int checkedColumnWidth(Context context, int columnWidth) { if (columnWidth <= 0) { /* Set default columnWidth value (48dp here). It is better to move this constant to static constant on top, but we need context to convert it to dp, so can't really do so. */ columnWidth = (int) TypedValue.applyDimension(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_DIP, 48, context.getResources().getDisplayMetrics()); } return columnWidth; } public void setColumnWidth(int newColumnWidth) { if (newColumnWidth > 0 && newColumnWidth != mColumnWidth) { mColumnWidth = newColumnWidth; mColumnWidthChanged = true; } } @Override public void onLayoutChildren(RecyclerView.Recycler recycler, RecyclerView.State state) { if (mColumnWidthChanged && mColumnWidth > 0) { int totalSpace; if (getOrientation() == VERTICAL) { totalSpace = getWidth() - getPaddingRight() - getPaddingLeft(); } else { totalSpace = getHeight() - getPaddingTop() - getPaddingBottom(); } int spanCount = Math.max(1, totalSpace / mColumnWidth); setSpanCount(spanCount); mColumnWidthChanged = false; } super.onLayoutChildren(recycler, state); } } // and then add this in your activity or fragment GridAutofitLayoutManager layoutManager = new GridAutofitLayoutManager(this, 200); recyclerView.setLayoutManager(layoutManager);
to make RecyclerView with gridLayoutManager supported to multi screen

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