Codigo Groovy

package ptp import com.placetopay.java_placetopay.Entities.Models.RedirectRequest import com.placetopay.java_placetopay.Entities.Models.RedirectResponse import com.placetopay.java_placetopay.PlaceToPay import import import import import java.text.SimpleDateFormat import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Hex import org.apache.http.HttpResponse import org.apache.http.NameValuePair import org.apache.http.client.HttpClient import org.apache.http.client.entity.UrlEncodedFormEntity import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpGet import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpPost import org.apache.http.impl.client.HttpClientBuilder import org.apache.http.message.BasicNameValuePair class PlaceToPayController { def url = "" def login = "8893c3501c96ece3d3ee14cf7f273b84" def secretKey = "22dx62Xa1c7GmMrl" def nonce = "" def seed = "" def tranKey = "" PlaceToPayController(){ nonce = new BigInteger(130, new SecureRandom()).toString() seed = (new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mmZ", Locale.getDefault())).format(new Date()) nonce = getNonce() tranKey = getTranKey() } def index() { def payload = '"locale": "es_EC",' + ' "payer": {' + ' "name": "Kellie Gerhold",' + ' "surname": "Yost",' + ' "email": "",' + ' "documentType": "CC",' + ' "document": "1848839248",' + ' "mobile": "3006108300",' + ' "address": {' + ' "street": "703 Dicki Island Apt. 609",' + ' "city": "North Randallstad",' + ' "state": "Antioquia",' + ' "postalCode": "46292",' + ' "country": "US",' + ' "phone": "363-547-1441 x383"' + ' }' + ' },' + ' "buyer": {' + ' "name": "Kellie Gerhold",' + ' "surname": "Yost",' + ' "email": "",' + ' "documentType": "CC",' + ' "document": "1848839248",' + ' "mobile": "3006108300",' + ' "address": {' + ' "street": "703 Dicki Island Apt. 609",' + ' "city": "North Randallstad",' + ' "state": "Antioquia",' + ' "postalCode": "46292",' + ' "country": "US",' + ' "phone": "363-547-1441 x383"' + ' }' + ' },' + ' "payment": {' + ' "reference": "reference",' + ' "description": "Iusto sit et voluptatem.",' + ' "amount": {' + ' "taxes": [' + ' {' + ' "kind": "ice",' + ' "amount": "56.4",' + ' "base": "470"' + ' },' + ' {' + ' "kind": "valueAddedTax",' + ' "amount": "89.3",' + ' "base": "470"' + ' }' + ' ],' + ' "details": [' + ' {' + ' "kind": "shipping",' + ' "amount": "47"' + ' },' + ' {' + ' "kind": "tip",' + ' "amount": "47"' + ' },' + ' {' + ' "kind": "subtotal",' + ' "amount": "940"' + ' }' + ' ],' + ' "currency": "USD",' + ' "total": "1076.3"' + ' },' + ' "items": [' + ' {' + ' "sku": "26443",' + ' "name": "Qui voluptatem excepturi.",' + ' "category": "physical",' + ' "qty": "1",' + ' "price": "940",' + ' "tax": "89.3"' + ' }' + ' ],' + ' "shipping": {' + ' "name": "Kellie Gerhold",' + ' "surname": "Yost",' + ' "email": "",' + ' "documentType": "CC",' + ' "document": "1848839248",' + ' "mobile": "3006108300",' + ' "address": {' + ' "street": "703 Dicki Island Apt. 609",' + ' "city": "North Randallstad",' + ' "state": "Antioquia",' + ' "postalCode": "46292",' + ' "country": "US",' + ' "phone": "363-547-1441 x383"' + ' }' + ' },' + ' "allowPartial": false' + ' },' + ' "expiration": "2018-05-03",' + ' "ipAddress": "",' + ' "userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/59.0.3071.86 Safari/537.36",' + ' "returnUrl": "",' + ' "cancelUrl": "",' + ' "skipResult": false,' + ' "noBuyerFill": false,' + ' "captureAddress": false,' + ' "paymentMethod": null' def request = '{' + '"auth": {' + '"login":' + '"' + login + '",' + '"seed":' + '"' + seed + '",' + '"nonce":' + '"' + nonce + '",' + '"tranKey":' + '"' + tranKey + '"' + '}' + ',' + payload + '}' String data = '{"locale":"es_EC","payer":{"name":"Kellie Gerhold","surname":"Yost","email":"","documentType":"CC","document":"1848839248","mobile":"3006108300","address":{"street":"703 Dicki Island Apt. 609","city":"North Randallstad","state":"Antioquia","postalCode":"46292","country":"US","phone":"363-547-1441 x383"}},"buyer":{"name":"Kellie Gerhold","surname":"Yost","email":"","documentType":"CC","document":"1848839248","mobile":"3006108300","address":{"street":"703 Dicki Island Apt. 609","city":"North Randallstad","state":"Antioquia","postalCode":"46292","country":"US","phone":"363-547-1441 x383"}},"payment":{"reference":"reference","description":"Iusto sit et voluptatem.","amount":{"taxes":[{"kind":"ice","amount":"56.4","base":"470"},{"kind":"valueAddedTax","amount":"89.3","base":"470"}],"details":[{"kind":"shipping","amount":"47"},{"kind":"tip","amount":"47"},{"kind":"subtotal","amount":"940"}],"currency":"USD","total":"1076.3"},"items":[{"sku":"26443","name":"Qui voluptatem excepturi.","category":"physical","qty":"1","price":"940","tax":"89.3"}],"shipping":{"name":"Kellie Gerhold","surname":"Yost","email":"","documentType":"CC","document":"1848839248","mobile":"3006108300","address":{"street":"703 Dicki Island Apt. 609","city":"North Randallstad","state":"Antioquia","postalCode":"46292","country":"US","phone":"363-547-1441 x383"}},"allowPartial":false},"expiration":"2018-05-02","ipAddress":"","userAgent":"Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/59.0.3071.86 Safari/537.36","returnUrl":"","cancelUrl":"","skipResult":false,"noBuyerFill":false,"captureAddress":false,"paymentMethod":"null"}' /* PlaceToPay gateway = new com.placetopay.java_placetopay.PlaceToPay( "8893c3501c96ece3d3ee14cf7f273b84", "22dx62Xa1c7GmMrl", new URL(url) ) RedirectRequest req = new RedirectRequest(data) RedirectResponse response = gateway.request(req) if (response.isSuccessful()) { // STORE THE response.getRequestId() and response.getProcessUrl() on your DB associated with the payment order // Redirect the client to the processUrl or display it on the JS extension String redirectTo = response.getProcessUrl() } else { // There was some error so check the message and log it response.getStatus().getMessage() } */ request = '{"locale":"es_CO","buyer":{"name":"Travon Herzog","surname":"Little","email":"","documentType":"CC","document":"4506783802","mobile":"3006108300","address":{"street":"96831 Mekhi Island Apt. 005","city":"East Eleazar","state":"Antioquia","postalCode":"61082","country":"CO","phone":"+13806013012"}},"payment":{"reference":"TEST_20180502_163546","description":"Qui voluptas officia quia quis quidem maxime velit.","amount":{"taxes":[{"kind":"ice","amount":4.2,"base":35},{"kind":"valueAddedTax","amount":6.65,"base":35}],"details":[{"kind":"shipping","amount":1.75},{"kind":"tip","amount":1.75},{"kind":"subtotal","amount":35}],"currency":"USD","total":49.35},"items":[{"sku":30519,"name":"Sed est.","category":"physical","qty":1,"price":35,"tax":6.65}],"shipping":{"name":"Travon Herzog","surname":"Little","email":"","documentType":"CC","document":"4506783802","mobile":"3006108300","address":{"street":"96831 Mekhi Island Apt. 005","city":"East Eleazar","state":"Antioquia","postalCode":"61082","country":"CO","phone":"+13806013012"}},"allowPartial":false},"expiration":"2018-05-03T16:35:46-05:00","ipAddress":"","userAgent":"Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/66.0.3359.139 Safari/537.36","returnUrl":"","cancelUrl":"","skipResult":false,"noBuyerFill":false,"captureAddress":false,"paymentMethod":null,"fields":[{"keyword":"Redeem Code","value":548149,"displayOn":"payment"}],"auth":{"login":"8893c3501c96ece3d3ee14cf7f273b84","tranKey":"o0QmUAXeLs03iy9OeWivsfCcRk8=","nonce":"TVdVMU5tTTFPRGc0WmpNMU16Sm1Nakl5WVRKa05qSXdPR1ppTnpabE1UTT0=","seed":"2018-05-02T16:35:53-05:00"}}' HttpClient client = HttpClientBuilder .create() .build() HttpPost post = new HttpPost(url + "api/session") post.setHeader("User-Agent","Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686; rv:13.0) Gecko/13.0 Firefox/13.0") List<NameValuePair> urlParameters = new ArrayList<NameValuePair>() urlParameters.add(new BasicNameValuePair("json", request)) post.setEntity(new UrlEncodedFormEntity(urlParameters)) HttpResponse response = client.execute(post) println("Test") } def pago() { } def procesar(){ } def response(){ } String getTranKey() { try { return base64(sha1(nonce + seed + secretKey)) } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { return null } } String getBasicTranKey() { try { return sha1String(seed + secretKey) } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { return null } } String getNonce() { return base64(nonce.getBytes()) } static byte[] sha1(String input) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException { MessageDigest mDigest = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA1") return mDigest.digest(input.getBytes()) } String sha1String(String input) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException { MessageDigest mDigest = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA1") byte[] result = mDigest.digest(input.getBytes()) StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer() for (int i = 0; i < result.length; i++) { sb.append(Integer.toString((result[i] & 0xff) + 0x100, 16).substring(1)) } return sb.toString() } def String base64(byte[] input) { byte[] encodedBytes = (Base64.getEncoder()).encode(input) return new String(encodedBytes) } }

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