Final Project

/** This is the code for generating the three itemsets*/ val lines = sc.textFile("hdfs://master:9000/isom3370/product/browsingdata.txt") val counts = lines.flatMap({case line => line.split(' ')}).map({case word => (word,1)}).reduceByKey(_+_).filter(m => m._2 >= 100).sortByKey().map(x => x._1) val pairs = counts.cartesian(counts).filter(x => x._1 < x._2).sortByKey() //leak 37.1 MB memory from org.apache.spark.util.collection.ExternalSorter@1404a662 val lines_combinations = => t.split(" ").sortWith(_ < _).combinations(2).toArray) //Array(Array(Array(ELE17451, ELE89019),... val all_combinations = lines_combinations.flatMap(x => x) //Array(Array(ELE17451, ELE89019),... val all_combinations2 ={case Array(x1, x2) => (x1,x2)}) //Array((ELE17451,ELE89019),... val all_combinations3 = all_combinations2.subtractByKey(pairs) val all_combinations4 = all_combinations2.subtractByKey(all_combinations3) val all_combinations5 ={case word => (word,1)}).reduceByKey(_+_).filter(m => m._2 >= 100).sortByKey().map(x => x._1) val final_match_combinations = all_combinations5.filter(m => m._2 >= 100).sortByKey().map(x => x._1) val triplet_combinations = final_match_combinations.cartesian(final_match_combinations).filter(x => ((x._1._1 == x._2._1 && x._1._2 < x._2._2) || (x._1._1 < x._2._1))) val triplet_combinations_filter = triplet_combinations.filter(x => (x._1._1 == x._2._1)) val triplet_combinations_map = x => (x._1._1, x._1._2, x._2._2)) val triple_lines_combinations = => t.split(" ").sortWith(_ < _).combinations(3).toArray) val triple_lines_combinations2 = triple_lines_combinations.flatMap(x => x) val triple_lines_combinations3 ={case Array(x1, x2, x3) => (x1,x2,x3)}) val sub_triplet = triple_lines_combinations3.subtract(triplet_combinations_map) val triple_final = triple_lines_combinations3.subtract(sub_triplet) val finish ={case word => (word,1)}).reduceByKey(_+_) val confidence = foreach((finish._2).toInt/(counts._2).toInt).sortBy(._2) confidence.saveAsTextFile("hdfs://master:9000/isom3370/product/output2") //To access output files //Hadoop setup $ hadoop fs -mkdir -p /isom3370/product $ hadoop fs -copyFromLocal browsingdata.txt /isom3370/product/ $ hadoop fs -ls /isom3370/product/browsingdata.txt //Outpurfiles $ hadoop fs -cat /isom3370/product/output2/part-00000

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