
/* Select the SSISDB database */ Use SSISDB Go /* Create a parameter (variable) named @Sql */ Declare @Sql varchar(2000) /* Create the Custom schema if it does not already exist */ print 'Custom Schema' If Not Exists(Select name From sys.schemas Where name='custom') begin /* Create Schema statements must occur first in a batch */ print ' - Creating custom schema' Set @Sql = 'Create Schema custom' Exec(@Sql) print ' - Custom schema created' end Else print ' - Custom Schema already exists.' print '' /* Drop the Custom.execute_catalog_package Stored Procedure if it already exists */ print 'Custom.execute_catalog_package Stored Procedure' If Exists(Select'.' + From sys.procedures p Join sys.schemas s On s.schema_id=p.schema_id Where'custom' And'execute_catalog_package') begin print ' - Dropping custom.execute_catalog_package' Drop Procedure custom.execute_catalog_package print ' - Custom.execute_catalog_package dropped' end /* Create the Custom.execute_catalog_package Stored Procedure */ print ' - Creating custom.execute_catalog_package' go /* Stored Procedure: custom.execute_catalog_package Author: Andy Leonard Date: 4 Mar 2012 Description: Creates a wrapper around the SSISDB Catalog procedures used to start executing an SSIS Package. Packages in the SSIS Catalog are referenced by a multi-part identifier - or path - that consists of the following hierarchy: Catalog Name: Implied by the database name in Integration Server 2012 |-Folder Name: A folder created before or at Deployment to contain the SSIS project |-Project Name: The name of the SSIS Project deployed |-Package Name: The name(s) of the SSIS Package(s) deployed Parameters: @FolderName [nvarchar(128)] {No default} – contains the name of the Folder that holds the SSIS Project @ProjectName [nvarchar(128)] {No default} – contains the name of the SSIS Project that holds the SSIS Package @PackageName [nvarchar(260)] {No default} – contains the name of the SSIS Package to be executed @ExecutionID [bigint] {Output} – Output parameter (variable) passed back to the caller @LoggingLevel [varchar(16)] {Default} – contains the (case-insensitive) name of the logging level to apply to this execution instance @Use32BitRunTime [bit] {Default} – 1 == Use 64-bit run-time 0 == Use 32-bit run-time @ReferenceID [bigint] {Default} – contains a reference to an Execution Environment @ObjectType [smallint] – contains an identifier that appears to be related to the SSIS PackageType property Guessing: @ObjectType == PackageType.ordinal (1-based-array) * 10 Must be 20, 30, or 50 for catalog.set_execution_parameter_value stored procedure Test: 1. Create and deploy an SSIS Package to the SSIS Catalog. 2. Exec custom.execute_catalog_package and pass it the following parameters: @FolderName, @ProjectName, @PackageName, @ExecutionID Output @LoggingLevel, @Use32BitRunTime, @ReferenceID, and @ObjectType are optional and defaulted parameters. Example: Declare @ExecId bigint Exec custom.execute_catalog_package 'Chapter2' ,'Chapter 2' ,'Chapter2.dtsx' ,@ExecId Output 3. When execution completes, an Execution_Id value should be returned. View the SSIS Catalog Reports to determine the status of the execution instance and the test. */ Create Procedure custom.execute_catalog_package @FolderName nvarchar(128) ,@ProjectName nvarchar(128) ,@PackageName nvarchar(260) ,@ExecutionID bigint Output ,@LoggingLevel varchar(16) = 'Basic' ,@Use32BitRunTime bit = 0 ,@ReferenceID bigint = NULL ,@ObjectType smallint = 50 As begin Set NoCount ON /* Call the catalog.create_execution stored procedure to initialize execution location and parameters */ Exec catalog.create_execution @package_name = @PackageName ,@execution_id=@ExecutionID Output ,@folder_name = @FolderName ,@project_name = @ProjectName ,@use32bitruntime = @Use32BitRunTime ,@reference_id = @ReferenceID /* Populate the @ExecutionID parameter for OUTPUT */ Select @ExecutionID As Execution_Id /* Create a parameter (variable) named @Sql */ Declare @logging_level smallint /* Decode the Logging Level */ Select @logging_level=Case When Upper(@LoggingLevel)='BASIC' Then 1 When Upper(@LoggingLevel)='PERFORMANCE' Then 2 When Upper(@LoggingLevel)='VERBOSE' Then 3 Else 0 /* 'None' */ End /* Call the catalog.set_execution_parameter_value stored procedure to update the LOGGING_LEVEL parameter */ Exec catalog.set_execution_parameter_value @ExecutionID ,@object_type = @ObjectType ,@parameter_name = N'LOGGING_LEVEL' ,@parameter_value = @logging_level /* Call the catalog.start_execution (self-explanatory) */ Exec catalog.start_execution @ExecutionID end GO
You can use these same stored procedures to execute SSIS Packages in the SSIS Catalog! In fact, I designed a script to create a wrapper stored procedure that will call the Transact-SQL statements executed when an SSIS Package is executed in the SSIS Catalog. You can see that script.

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