* Return the nth ancestor of e, or null if there is no such ancestor
* or if that ancestor is not an Element (a Document or DocumentFragment e.g.).
* If n is 0 return e itself. If n is 1 (or
* omitted) return the parent. If n is 2, return the grandparent, etc.
function parent(e, n) {
if (n === undefined) n = 1;
while(n-- && e) e = e.parentNode;
if (!e || e.nodeType !== 1) return null;
return e;
* Return the nth sibling element of Element e.
* If n is postive return the nth next sibling element.
* If n is negative, return the -nth previous sibling element.
* If n is zero, return e itself.
function sibling(e,n) {
while(e && n !== 0) { // If e is not defined we just return it
if (n > 0) { // Find next element sibling
if (e.nextElementSibling) e = e.nextElementSibling;
else {
for(e=e.nextSibling; e && e.nodeType !== 1; e=e.nextSibling)
/* empty loop */ ;
else { // Find the previous element sibling
if (e.previousElementSibing) e = e.previousElementSibling;
else {
for(e=e.previousSibling; e&&e.nodeType!==1; e=e.previousSibling)
/* empty loop */ ;
return e;
* Return the nth element child of e, or null if it doesn't have one.
* Negative values of n count from the end. 0 means the first child, but
* -1 means the last child, -2 means the second to last, and so on.
function child(e, n) {
if (e.children) { // If children array exists
if (n < 0) n += e.children.length; // Convert negative n to array index
if (n < 0) return null; // If still negative, no child
return e.children[n]; // Return specified child
// If e does not have a children array, find the first child and count
// forward or find the last child and count backwards from there.
if (n >= 0) { // n is non-negative: count forward from the first child
// Find the first child element of e
if (e.firstElementChild) e = e.firstElementChild;
else {
for(e = e.firstChild; e && e.nodeType !== 1; e = e.nextSibling)
/* empty */;
return sibling(e, n); // Return the nth sibling of the first child
else { // n is negative, so count backwards from the end
if (e.lastElementChild) e = e.lastElementChild;
else {
for(e = e.lastChild; e && e.nodeType !== 1; e=e.previousSibling)
/* empty */;
return sibling(e, n+1); // +1 to convert child -1 to sib 0 of last
Portable Document Traversal Fuctions
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