import java.util.*; public class TravelingSalesPerson { public TravelingSalesPerson() { String[] cities = {"Boston", "L.A.", "Las Vegas", "Atlanta", "Philadelphia", "Chicago", "Houston"}; int[][] dist = {{0, 2982, 2715, 1080, 310, 982, 1849}, {2982, 0, 270, 2174, 2710, 2015, 1549}, {2715, 270, 0, 1959, 2473, 1747, 1473}, {1080, 2174, 1959, 0, 777, 715, 794 }, {310, 2710, 2473, 777, 0, 785, 1548}, {982, 2015, 1747, 715, 785, 0, 1084}, {1849, 1549, 1473, 794, 1548, 1084, 0}}; /* * The nearest neighbour algorithm was one of the first algorithms * used to determine a solution to the travelling salesman problem. * In it, the salesman starts at a random city and repeatedly visits * the nearest city until all have been visited. It quickly yields a * short tour, but usually not the optimal one. * */ int start = 4;//this is philly, but you want to make this random //print the city that is the starting point - one that coorelates to start variable System.out.println(Arrays.toString(nearNeighbor(cities, dist, start).toArray())); //print the route that you find in your nearest neighbor function //also print the miles between each city } public ArrayList<String> nearNeighbor(String[] cities, int[][] dist, int start){ ArrayList<String> used = new ArrayList<String>(); ArrayList<String> nnCities = new ArrayList<String>(7); String startCity = cities[start]; used.add(startCity); int lowMiles = 999999999; int spot = 0; String destCity = ""; while(used.size() < 7){ for(int x = 0; x < dist[start].length; x++){ if(dist[start][x] < lowMiles && dist[start][x] != 0 && !used.contains(cities[x])){ lowMiles = dist[start][x]; spot = x; destCity = cities[spot]; } } used.add(destCity); nnCities.add(cities[start] + " to " + destCity + " - " + lowMiles + " miles"); start = spot; spot = 0; lowMiles = 9999999; } return nnCities; } }

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