
//BCA Support // #include <stdio.h> void main() { FILE *fpr,*fpw; char file1[13],file2[13]; char ch; int a=-1; clrscr(); printf("\nEnter file name : "); gets(file1); printf("\nEnter file to copied to in reverse : "); gets(file2); fpr=fopen(file1,"r"); if(fpr==NULL) { printf("\nFile not found."); getch(); exit(); } fpw=fopen(file2,"w"); if(fpw==NULL) { printf("\nError in creating file."); getch(); exit(); } while(!feof(fpr)) { fseek(fpr,a--,2); ch=fgetc(fpr); fputc(ch,fpw); } printf("\nCopied successfully."); fcloseall(); getch(); }

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