NUMERALS = { 'i' => 1,
'v' => 5,
'x' => 10,
'l' => 50,
'c' => 100,
'd' => 500,
'm' => 1000
def roman_to_integer
puts 'Please type a roman numeral: '
roman = gets.chomp.downcase
roman_chars = roman.downcase.split('')
roman_length = roman_chars.length - 1
integer = 0
while roman_length >= 0
i = NUMERALS[roman_chars[roman_length]]
if i
integer += i
roman_length -= 1
puts 'Input is not a valid Roman numeral. Please try again.'
puts 'As an integer, this is: '
puts integer
Run this code.
When you enter a valid Roman numeral, it prints the corresponding integer and stops.
When you enter an invalid one, it will tell you that it's invalid and prompt another input. When finishing that input, it will tell you the result, but it will also tell you again that it was invalid and prompt another input, even if you entered a correct Roman numeral.
Why is that? And how can you fix it?
When you enter a valid Roman numeral, it prints the corresponding integer and stops.
When you enter an invalid one, it will tell you that it's invalid and prompt another input. When finishing that input, it will tell you the result, but it will also tell you again that it was invalid and prompt another input, even if you entered a correct Roman numeral.
Why is that? And how can you fix it?
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