Line Break to Paragraph Converter

<?php namespace Converter; // Author: Taufik Nurrohman <> // <> /** * ==================================================================== * LINE BREAK TO PARAGRAPH CONVERTER * ==================================================================== * * -- CODE: ----------------------------------------------------------- * * $parser = new Converter\Paragraph(); * * echo $parser->run('Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.'); * * -------------------------------------------------------------------- * */ class Paragraph { // Skip parsing process if we are in these HTML tag(s) public $ignore = 'h[1-6]|kbd|math|pre|script|style|textarea'; // May or may not contain paragraph tag(s) public $auto = 'dd|div|(?:fig)?caption|li|td'; protected $z = '>|\s[^<>]*?>'; protected $zz = ' *\/?>|\s[^<>]*? *\/?>'; protected $b = 'blockquote|div|p'; protected $i = 'a|abbr|acronym|b|basefont|bdo|big|blink|button|cite|code|del|dfn|em|font|i|img|input|ins|kbd|listing|mar(?:k|quee)|nextid|nobr|q|r[pt]|ruby|s|samp|select|small|spacer|span|strike|strong|su[bp]|svg|textarea|time|tt|u|var|w?br|xm'; // Run converter ... public function run($text) { if( ! trim($text)) return $text; $_ = '#(<\/?(?:' . $this->ignore . '|p)(?:' . $this->z . ')|<!--[\s\S]*?-->)#'; $text = str_replace(array("\r\n", "\r"), "\n", $text) . "\n\n"; $text = $this->br($text); $parts = preg_split($_, $text, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY | PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE); $text = ""; $x = 0; foreach($parts as $v) { if( ! trim($v)) { $text .= $v; continue; } if($v[0] === '<' && substr($v, -1) === '>') { $x = isset($v[1]) && ($v[1] === '/' || $v[1] === '!') ? 0 : 1; $text .= $v; // this is a HTML tag ... } else { $text .= ! $x ? $this->replace($v) : $v; // process or skip ... } } return $this->tidy($text); } // Replace character(s) ... protected function replace($text) { $text = preg_replace('#<(' . $this->b . '|' . $this->auto . ')(' . $this->z . ')\n*#', "<$1$2\n\n", $text); $text = preg_replace('#\n*<\/(' . $this->b . '|' . $this->auto . ')>#', "\n\n</$1>", $text); $text_array = preg_split('#(\n\s*){2,}#', $text); $text = array(); foreach($text_array as $v) { $v = trim($v); if($v && (strpos($v, '<') !== 0 || preg_match('#^<(?:' . $this->i . ')[\s>]#', $v))) { $v = preg_replace('#\n\s*#', '<br>', $v); $text[] = '<p>' . $v . '</p>'; } else { $text[] = $v; } } return $this->fix(implode("\n\n", $text)); } // Convert `<br>` tag(s) ... protected function br($text) { return preg_replace('#\s*<br(' . $this->zz . ')\s*#', "\n", $text); } // Fix ... protected function fix($text) { return preg_replace('#<(' . $this->auto . ')(' . $this->z . ')\n*<p(?:' . $this->z . ')([^\n]*?)<\/p>\n*<\/\1>#', '<$1$2$3</$1>', $text); } // Tidy ... protected function tidy($text) { return trim(str_replace( '<br>', "<br>\n", preg_replace( array( '#<(\/?[^\s]+?)(' . $this->z . ')#', '#\n*<(\/?(?:' . $this->i . '))(' . $this->z . ')\n*#', '#(^|[^>])\n+\s*<#', '#>\n+\s*([^<]|$)#', '#\n*<(' . $this->ignore . ')(' . $this->z . ')\n*([\s\S]*?)\n*<\/\1>\n*#', '#><(hr|img|input|svg)(' . $this->z . ')<(?!\/)#', '#<\/(' . $this->ignore . ')>\n+<(' . $this->ignore . ')(' . $this->z . ')#', '#<(script|style)(' . $this->z . ')\n*([\s\S]+?)\n*<\/\1>#', '#<([-:\w]+?)(' . $this->z . ')\s*<\/\1>#' ), array( "\n\n<$1$2\n\n", '<$1$2', '$1<', '>$1', "\n<$1$2$3</$1>\n", ">\n<$1$2\n<", "</$1>\n<$2$3", "<$1$2\n$3\n</$1>", '<$1$2</$1>' ), $text) )); } }
Smaller than `wpautop` function.

2 Responses

The JavaScript version is now available as an online tool →
Sigh, now renamed to `converter.line-break.html` →

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You can use [html][/html], [css][/css], [php][/php] and more to embed the code. Urls are automatically hyperlinked. Line breaks and paragraphs are automatically generated.