Linked List Implementation

#include <iostream> using namespace std; template <class ItemType> class Node { public: ItemType data; Node<ItemType> *link; Node(){ this->link = NULL; } Node(ItemType data){ this->data = data; this->link = NULL; } }; template<class List_ItemType> class LinkedList { Node<List_ItemType>* head; int count; protected: int InsertNode(Node<List_ItemType>* pPre, List_ItemType value); List_ItemType DeleteNode(Node<List_ItemType>* pPre, Node<List_ItemType>* pLoc); int Search(List_ItemType value, Node<List_ItemType>* &pPre, Node<List_ItemType>* &pLoc); public: LinkedList(); ~LinkedList(); int GetSize(); void InsertFirst(List_ItemType value); void InsertLast(List_ItemType value); int InsertItem(List_ItemType value, int position); void DeleteFirst(); void DeleteLast(); int DeleteItem(int postion); int GetItem(int position, List_ItemType &dataOut); void Print2Console(); void Clear(); void Reverse(); void Traverse(); void Traverse2(List_ItemType *&); LinkedList<List_ItemType>* Clone(); }; template<class List_ItemType> LinkedList<List_ItemType>::LinkedList(){ this->head = NULL; this->count = 0; } template<class List_ItemType> void LinkedList<List_ItemType>::Clear(){ Node<List_ItemType> *temp; while (this->head != NULL){ temp = this->head; this->head = this->head->link; delete temp; } this->count = 0; } template<class List_ItemType> LinkedList<List_ItemType>::~LinkedList(){ this->Clear(); } template<class List_ItemType> int LinkedList<List_ItemType>::GetSize(){ return this->count; } template<class List_ItemType> int LinkedList<List_ItemType>::InsertNode( Node<List_ItemType> *pPre, List_ItemType value) { Node<List_ItemType> *pNew = new Node<List_ItemType>(); if (pNew == NULL) return 0; pNew->data = value; if (pPre == NULL){ pNew->link = this->head; this->head = pNew; } else { pNew->link = pPre->link; pPre->link = pNew; } this->count++; return 1; } template<class List_ItemType> List_ItemType LinkedList<List_ItemType>:: DeleteNode(Node<List_ItemType> *pPre, Node<List_ItemType> *pLoc) { List_ItemType result = pLoc->data; if (pPre == NULL){ this->head = pLoc->link; } else { pPre->link = pLoc->link; } this->count--; delete pLoc; return result; } template<class List_ItemType> int LinkedList<List_ItemType>::Search( List_ItemType value, Node<List_ItemType>* &pPre, Node<List_ItemType>* &pLoc){ pPre = NULL; pLoc = this->head; while (pLoc != NULL && pLoc->data != value){ pPre = pLoc; pLoc = pLoc->link; } return (pLoc != NULL); // found: 1; notfound: 0 } template<class List_ItemType> void LinkedList<List_ItemType>::InsertFirst( List_ItemType value) { InsertItem(value, 0); } template<class List_ItemType> void LinkedList<List_ItemType>::InsertLast( List_ItemType value) { InsertItem(value, this->count); } template<class List_ItemType> int LinkedList<List_ItemType>::InsertItem( List_ItemType value, int position) { if (position < 0 || position > this->count) return 0; Node<List_ItemType> *pPre; if (position == 0) pPre = NULL; else { pPre = this->head; for (int i = 0; i < position-1; i++) pPre = pPre->link; } return InsertNode(pPre, value); } template<class List_ItemType> void LinkedList<List_ItemType>::DeleteFirst(){ DeleteItem(0); } template<class List_ItemType> void LinkedList<List_ItemType>::DeleteLast(){ DeleteItem(this->count - 1); } template<class List_ItemType> int LinkedList<List_ItemType>::DeleteItem(int position){ if (position < 0 || position >= this->count) return 0; Node<List_ItemType> *pPre, *pLoc; if (position == 0) { pPre = NULL; pLoc = this->head; } else { pPre = this->head; for (int i = 0; i < position-1; i++) pPre = pPre->link; pLoc = pPre->link; } DeleteNode(pPre, pLoc); return 1; } template <class List_ItemType> LinkedList<List_ItemType>* LinkedList<List_ItemType>::Clone(){ LinkedList<List_ItemType>* result = new LinkedList<List_ItemType>(); Node<List_ItemType>* p = this->head; while (p != NULL) { result->InsertLast(p->data); p = p->link; } result->count = this->count; return result; } template <class List_ItemType> int LinkedList<List_ItemType>::GetItem(int position, List_ItemType &dataOut) { if (position < 0 || position >= this->count) return 0; Node<List_ItemType>* p = this->head; for (int i = 0; i < position; i++) { p = p->link; } dataOut = p->data; return 1; } template <class List_ItemType> void LinkedList<List_ItemType>::Reverse(){ Node<List_ItemType>* prev = NULL; Node<List_ItemType>* current = this->head; Node<List_ItemType>* next; while (current != NULL) { next = current->link; current->link = prev; prev = current; current = next; } head = prev; } template<class List_ItemType> void LinkedList<List_ItemType>::Print2Console(){ Node<List_ItemType>* pLoc = this->head; for (int i = 0; i < this->count; i++) { cout << pLoc->data << " "; pLoc = pLoc->link; } cout << endl; } template<class List_ItemType> void LinkedList<List_ItemType>::Traverse() { Node<List_ItemType> *p = head; while (p != NULL){ p->data++; // process data here!!! p = p->link; } } template<class List_ItemType> void LinkedList<List_ItemType>:: Traverse2(List_ItemType *&visit){ Node<List_ItemType> *p = this->head; int i = 0; while (p != NULL && i < this->count){ visit[i] = p->data; p = p->link; i++; } } int main() { LinkedList<int>* myList = new LinkedList<int>(); myList->InsertFirst(15); myList->InsertFirst(10); myList->InsertFirst(5); myList->InsertItem(18,3); myList->InsertLast(25); myList->InsertItem(20,3); myList->DeleteItem(2); myList->DeleteFirst(); myList->InsertItem(83,2); myList->DeleteLast(); cout << "List 1:" << endl; myList->Print2Console(); LinkedList<int>* myList2 = myList->Clone(); myList2->Reverse(); myList2->Traverse(); cout << "List 2:" << endl; myList2->Print2Console(); int value = 0; myList2->GetItem(1, value); cout << "Value at position 1: " << value << endl; int *arr = new int[myList2->GetSize()]; myList2->Traverse2(arr); cout << "Copied array: "; for (int i=0; i<4; i++) { cout << arr[i] << " "; } delete myList; delete myList2; return 1; }

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