add a DropShadow to graphics in Cocoa

//To add a DropShadow to graphics in Cocoa: Sub CGSetShadow(g As Graphics, xOffset As integer, yOffset As integer, blur As Double, c as Color) #if TargetCocoa then declare sub CGContextSetShadowWithColor lib "Cocoa" (context as integer,offset as cgsize,blur as single,c as ptr) declare function CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB lib "Cocoa" () as ptr declare function CGColorCreate lib "Cocoa" (colorspace as ptr, val as ptr) as ptr declare sub CGColorRelease lib "Cocoa" (c as ptr) declare sub CGColorSpaceRelease lib "Cocoa" (c as ptr) dim offset As CGSize offset.width=xOffset offset.height=0-yOffset dim cgcm As MemoryBlock dim cgcolor As ptr cgcm= new MemoryBlock(16) cgcm.SingleValue(0) cgcm.SingleValue(4)=c.Green/255 cgcm.SingleValue(8)=c.Blue/255 cgcm.SingleValue(12)=(255-c.Alpha)/255 dim cgcspace as ptr=CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB cgcolor=CGColorCreate(cgcspace,cgcm) CGColorSpaceRelease(cgcspace) CGContextSetShadowWithColor g.Handle(Graphics.HandleTypeCGContextRef),offset,blur,cgcolor if cgcolor<>nil then CGColorRelease(cgcolor) #endif End Sub //And to turn them back off: Sub CGClearShadow(g As Graphics) #if TargetCocoa then declare sub CGContextSetShadowWithColor lib "Cocoa" (context as integer,offset as CGSize,blur as single,c as ptr) dim s As CGSize CGContextSetShadowWithColor g.Handle(Graphics.HandleTypeCGContextRef),s,0,nil #endif End Sub // Don't forget to add the CGSize struct! width as single height as single

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