Add General Setting field in Wordpress Dashboard via functions.php

$new_general_setting = new new_general_setting(); class new_general_setting { function new_general_setting( ) { add_filter( 'admin_init' , array( &$this , 'register_fields' ) ); } function register_fields() { register_setting( 'general', 'seo_title', 'esc_attr' ); add_settings_field('fav_color', '<label for="seo_title">'.__('SEO Tagline' , 'seo_title' ).'</label>' , array(&$this, 'fields_html') , 'general' ); } function fields_html() { $value = get_option( 'seo_title', '' ); echo '<input type="text" id="seo_title" name="seo_title" value="' . $value . '" />'; } }

To output the new setting in a template, you can use get_option(), like this:

<?php $seo_title_value = get_option( 'seo_title', '' ); echo $seo_title_value; ?>

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