Ajax promises

<!--WIP--> <div id="ellipsis"></div>
'use strict'; // A-> $http function is implemented in order to follow the standard Adapter pattern function $http(url){ // A small example of object var core = { // Method that performs the ajax request ajax: function (method, url, args) { // Creating a promise var promise = new Promise( function (resolve, reject) { // Instantiates the XMLHttpRequest var client = new XMLHttpRequest(); var uri = url; if (args && (method === 'POST' || method === 'PUT')) { uri += '?'; var argcount = 0; for (var key in args) { if (args.hasOwnProperty(key)) { if (argcount++) { uri += '&'; } uri += encodeURIComponent(key) + '=' + encodeURIComponent(args[key]); } } } client.open(method, uri); client.send(); client.onload = function () { if (this.status >= 200 && this.status < 300) { // Performs the function "resolve" when this.status is equal to 2xx resolve(this.response); } else { // Performs the function "reject" when this.status is different than 2xx reject(this.statusText); } }; client.onerror = function () { reject(this.statusText); }; }); // Return the promise return promise; } }; // Adapter pattern return { 'get': function(args) { return core.ajax('GET', url, args); }, 'post': function(args) { return core.ajax('POST', url, args); }, 'put': function(args) { return core.ajax('PUT', url, args); }, 'delete': function(args) { return core.ajax('DELETE', url, args); } }; }; // End A // B-> Here you define its functions and its payload var mdnAPI = '/img/icn_ellipsis.svg'; var payload = { 'topic' : 'js', 'q' : 'Promise' }; var callback = { success: function(data) { console.log(1, 'success', data); var $i = document.getElementById('ellipsis') $i.innerHTML = data; }, error: function(data) { console.log(2, 'error', data); } }; // End B // Executes the method call $http(mdnAPI) .get(payload) .then(callback.success) .catch(callback.error); // Executes the method call but an alternative way (1) to handle Promise Reject case $http(mdnAPI) .get(payload) .then(callback.success, callback.error); // Executes the method call but an alternative way (2) to handle Promise Reject case $http(mdnAPI) .get(payload) .then(callback.success) .then(undefined, callback.error);
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