APP Icons

If you intend on your application being available on a large range of devices, you should place your application icon into the different res/drawable... folders provided. In each of these folders, you should include a 48dp sized icon: drawable-ldpi (120 dpi, Low density screen) - 36px x 36px drawable-mdpi (160 dpi, Medium density screen) - 48px x 48px drawable-hdpi (240 dpi, High density screen) - 72px x 72px drawable-xhdpi (320 dpi, Extra-high density screen) - 96px x 96px drawable-xxhdpi (480 dpi, Extra-extra-high density screen) - 144px x 144px drawable-xxxhdpi (640 dpi, Extra-extra-extra-high density screen) - 192px x 192px You may then define the icon in your AndroidManifest.xml file as such: <application android:icon="@drawable/icon_name" android:label="@string/app_name" > .... </application>

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