apply rel="nofollow" attributes to all external links

function nofollow($html, $skip = null) { return preg_replace_callback( "#(<a[^>]+?)>#is", function ($mach) use ($skip) { return ( !($skip && strpos($mach[1], $skip) !== false) && strpos($mach[1], 'rel=') === false ) ? $mach[1] . ' rel="nofollow">' : $mach[0]; }, $html ); }
echo nofollow('<a href="link somewhere" rel="something">something</a>');
// will be same because it's already contains rel parameter

echo nofollow('<a href="">something</a>'); // ad
// add rel="nofollow" parameter to anchor

echo nofollow('<a href="http://localhost">something</a>', 'localhost');
// skip this link as internall link

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