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const wrapper = document.querySelector('.wrapper_read') const date = document.querySelector('.date_read') const authorName = document.querySelector('.name_read') const articl = document.querySelector('.article_read') const title = document.querySelector('.title_read') const animate = document.querySelector('.animation_read') const cont = document.querySelector('.search-form_read') const searchBar = document.querySelector('.search-bar_read') const centerWrapper = document.querySelector('.center-wrapper_read') const hider = document.querySelector('.discription_read') const loader = document.querySelector('.loader_read') const err = document.querySelector('.error_read') const defaultURL = '' document.querySelector('.search-form_read') .addEventListener('submit', submit) function submit(e) { e && e.preventDefault() loader.classList.remove('hide_read') hider.classList.add('hide_read') let letter = searchBar.value cont.classList.add('animation_read') if (letter !== '') { centerWrapper.classList.add('hide_read') err.classList.add('hide_read') fetching(letter) }else{ loader.classList.add('hide_read') } } document.querySelector('.click_read').addEventListener('click' , () => { searchBar.value = defaultURL submit() }) function fetching(para_url){ const url = para_url const urlToFetch = `${url}` const headers = { 'x-api-key': 'sM9RNjNAYaVlQgGXlpyTKaWsC0RCyLtQv0wMxLDw' } fetch(urlToFetch, { headers }).then(res => res.json()) .then(data => updateUI(data)) .catch(error => { const err = document.querySelector('.error_read') const loader = document.querySelector('.loader_read') loader.classList.add('hide_read') err.classList.remove('hide_read')} ) const updateUI = data => { loader.classList.add('hide_read') if (data.error){ err.classList.remove('hide_read') centerWrapper.classList.add('hide_read') return 0 } const author = authorName.innerHTML =`${ 'by ' + author}`; if (author == null){ authorName.innerHTML = ''; } const htm = data.content articl.innerHTML =`${htm}`; const head = data.title title.innerHTML =`${head}`; centerWrapper.classList.remove('hide_read') } }
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