" Atlantis" Text adventure (Python)

print (" -----------------------------------------") print ("Welcome to Atlantis! A text adventure game") print ("------------------------------------------") print """ /\ /`:\ /`'`:\ /`'`'`:\ /`'`'`'`:\ /`'`'`'`'`:\ |`'`'`'`:| _ _ _ _ _ |] ,-. :|_ _ _ _ ||| || || || | | |_| ||| || || || | |`' `' `' `'.| | _'=' |`' `' `' `'.| : .:; |'-' : .:; \-..____..:/ _ _ _ _ _ _| _ _'-\-..____..:/ :--------:_,' || || || || || || || `.::--------: |] .:|:. `' `'_`' `' `' `' `' | '-' .:| | ,-. .[|:._ '-' ____ ___ | ,-.'-| | | | .:|'--'_ ,'____`. '---' | | |.:| | |_| .:|:.'--' ()/,| |`|`.\() __ | |_|.:| | '=' .:|:. |::_|_|_|\|:: '--' | _'='.:| | __ .:|:. ;||-,-,-,-,|; | '--' .:| |'--' .:|:. _ ; || |:| | .:| | .:|:.'-': || |;| _ |] _:| | '-|:. ; || :|| '-' | '--| | _ .:|]. ; || ;||] | _ .:| | '-' .:|:. : [|| ;||| | '-' .:| ,', ;._____.::-- ;---->'-,--,:-'<'--------;._____.::.`. (( ( )_;___,' ,' , ; //________( ) )) `. _`--------' : -,' ' , ' '; //- _ `--------' ,' __ .--' ;,' ,' , ': // -.._ __ _.- - `- -- _ ;',' ,' ,' ,;/_ -. --- _, _,. /-:,_,_,_,_,_,_(/:-\ , ,. _ -' `-'--'-'-'-'-'-'-'-''--'-' `-'`' `'`' `-SSt-""" print ("Please do not use capitals in answers - the game has trouble processing them with the already large size. thanks <3") name = raw_input("Okay, so whats your name?") answer = raw_input("Would you like to change this?").lower() if answer == "yes" or answer == "n": print ("Okay, %s it is!") % (name) elif answer == "yes" or answer == "y": name = raw_input("Okay, so what it is it then?") else: print "You didn't pick Yes or no! Try again." print "-------------------------------------" print ("Okay, here's the deal %s, Atlantis is sinking. We have 24 hours to save it. The half god, half humans who create this city have left us to die. You must help us!") % (name) Help = raw_input("Will you help us?") if Help == "no" or Help == "n": print ("Well bye then!") elif Help == "yes" or Help == "y": print ("Lets get down buisness then!") else: print "You didn't pick yes or no! Try again." print "---------------------------------------" print ("What class would you like to be? Each class focus\'s on 4 different stats; Speed, Meele attack power, Range attack power and magic. For example, a hunter focus's on speed and attacking from a distance, so a hunter\'s ranged attack power and speed would be high, whereas as its meele attack power and magic would be low.") print "----------------------------------------" import time time.sleep(10) print "[Hunter] Use weapons like guns and bows to attack from a distance. Their speed and ranged attack power are high, whereas their magic and meele attack power is quite low. [Warrior] Use swords and maces to inflict huge amounts of damage from close up, their speed, ranged attack damage and magic stats are low. [Mage] Mages use staffs and wands to inflict fire damage from a distance, the majority of their attacks inflict damage over time rather than instantly. They have high magic and ranged attack damage stats. [Rouge] Rouges have very high speed and very high meele attack stats, the other two are quite low. [Cucks] Cucks have very very high magic stats, but extemely low stats for the others." UserClassC = raw_input("What class would you like to be?") if UserClassC == "Hunter": print "You have chosen the Munter! You now have starting stats of 5 speed, 5 ranged attack, 1 meele attack and 1 magic. These will increase at icnrements of 5 with each level up." speed = 5 RangedAttack = 5 Magic = 1 MeeleAttack = 1 if UserClassC == "Mage": print "You have chosen the Mage! You now have starting stats of 5 ranged attack damage, 7 magic, 1 speed and 1 meele attack damage" speed = 1 RangedAttack = 5 Magic = 7 MeeleAttack = 1 if UserClassC == "Warrior": print "You have chosen the Warrior! You now have starting stats of 1 speed, 8 meele attack damage, 1 Magic and 1 Ranged attack damage" speed = 1 RangedAttack = 1 Magic = 1 MeeleAttack = 8

2 Responses

Soo. Is this code finished?
It doesn't look like it's quite finished, but so far it seems like it's going well! However, line 55 will only print the message "You didn't pick yes or no! Try again.", and will not let the player pick again. Also, in line 51, the game will still continue. I suggest to add another line below that with 'exit(3)' (no quotes), to force kill the program.

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