Avatar Box with CSS

<div class="box"> <div class="box1"> <h1>Kimliang Avatar</h1> </div> <div id="avatar"></div> </div>
.box{ margin:9px auto; width:360px; height:480px; background-color:#778899; } .box1{ padding:1px; background:rgb(65,56,122); } .box1 h1{ /* Set text color to white */ color:white; /* Set text alignment to center */ text-align:center; /* Convert Text to Upper Case */ text-transform: uppercase; } #avatar { /* Set avatar margin 15 pixels and bring to center */ margin: 15px auto; /* This image is 960 wide by 960 tall, similar to your aspect ratio */ background-image: url('https://cdn1.truelancer.com/user-picture/309986-5a01706b86c66.jpg'); /* make a square container */ width: 150px; height: 150px; /* fill the container, preserving aspect ratio, and cropping to fit */ background-size: cover; /* center the image vertically and horizontally */ background-position: center; /* round the edges to a circle with border radius 1/2 container size */ border-radius: 50%; border:5px solid white; }
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