
// Imagine the following URL: https://codepad.co/snippet?foo=1&bar=beer&you=great let url = new URL(window.location.href); let params = new URLSearchParams(url.search.slice(1)); // Log the values of each parameter for (let p of params) { console.log(p); } // The main functions you can call on params params.has('foo'); // returns true params.get('foo'); // returns 1 params.set('you', 'awesome'); params.delete('bar'); params.toString(); // returns 'foo=1&you=awesome' // Testing and polyfill if('URLSearchParams' in window) { console.log('URLSearchParams is supported!'); } else { // Go to github.com/WebReflection/url-search-params for a polyfill. }
URLSearchParams as implemented by Chrome 49, Firefox 44, and Opera 36.

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