Bai 2

#include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> typedef int item; //kieu du lieu struct Node { item Data; //du lieu Node *Next; //link }; typedef struct Stack { Node *Top; }; void Init (Stack &S); //khoi tao Stack rong int Isempty(Stack S); //kiem tra Stack rong int Len (Stack S); //Do dai Stack void Push(Stack &S, item x); //them phan tu vao Stack int Peak(Stack S); //Lay phan tu o dau Stack nhung khong xoa int Pop(Stack &S); //Loai bo phan tu khoi Stack void Input (Stack &S); //Nhap Stack void Output(Stack S); //Xuat Stack Node *MakeNode(item x); //Tao 1 Node void Init (Stack &S) //khoi tao Stack rong { S.Top = NULL; } int Isempty(Stack S) //kiem tra Stack rong { return (S.Top == NULL); } int Len (Stack S) { Node *P = S.Top; int i=0; while (P != NULL) //trong khi chua het Stack thi van duyet { i++; P = P->Next; } return i; } Node *MakeNode(item x) //tao 1 Node { Node *P = (Node*) malloc(sizeof(Node)); P->Next = NULL; P->Data = x; return P; } void Push(Stack &S, item x) //them phan tu vao Stack { Node *P = MakeNode(x); P->Next = S.Top; S.Top = P; } int Peak(Stack S) //Lay phan tu o dau Stack nhung khong xoa { return S.Top->Data; } int Pop(Stack &S) //Loai bo phan tu khoi Stack { if (!Isempty(S)) { item x = S.Top->Data; //luu lai gia tri S.Top = S.Top->Next; //Xoa phan tu Top return x; } } void Input (Stack &S) //nhap danh sach { int i=0; item x; do { i++; printf ("Nhap phan tu thu %d : ",i); scanf("%d",&x); if (x != 0) Push(S,x); } while(x != 0); //nhap 0 de ket thuc } void Output(Stack S) { Node *P = S.Top; while (P != NULL) { printf("%d ",P->Data); P = P->Next; } printf("\n"); } int main() { Stack S; Init(S); Input(S); Output(S); int lua_chon; printf("Moi ban chon phep toan voi DS LKD:"); printf("\n1: Kiem tra Stack rong"); printf("\n2: Do dai Stack"); printf("\n3: Them phan tu vao Stack"); printf("\n4: Xoa phan tu trong Stack"); printf("\n5: Xuat Stack"); printf("\n6: Thoat"); do { printf("\nBan chon: "); scanf("%d",&lua_chon); switch (lua_chon) { case 1: { if (Isempty(S)) printf("Stack rong !"); else printf ("Stack khong rong !"); break; } case 2: { printf("Do dai Stack: %d",Len(S)); break; } case 3: { item x; printf ("Nhap phan tu can chen vao DS: "); scanf("%d",&x); Push(S,x); break; } case 4: { Pop(S); break; } case 5: { Output(S); break; } case 6: break; } }while (lua_chon !=6); return 0; }

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