Ballz - (Game)

/* By: Ilyas Reese Made With: Processing JS Based on Ballz the game by Ketchapp. Only about 800 lines of code! Started: 4/16/2018 Finished: 4/22/2018 Released: 4/23/2018 4/23/2018: */ // Press [SPACE] for save code. var saveCode = [0, 0, true, false, false, false]; smooth(); var x = 300; var y = 500; // Spin-off proof is required to get on the leader board. var scoresList = [ {name : "Bersalon", score : 226}, {name : "The Real Programming King", score : 308}, {name : "wlevin", score : 271}, {name : "Lin Gh.", score : 102}, {name : "jackcumbicus", score : 106} ]; var curScore = 0; scoresList = scoresList.sort(function(a, b) { return b.score - a.score; }); var scene = "menu"; var blockSize = 50; var widthInBlocks = (width - 200) / blockSize; var blocks = [], plus = [], plus2 = []; var Max = 4; var speed = 6; var click = false; var choice; // Thanks to Jayson Hutchison for the google font loader! var loadGoogleFont = (function () { return this.Function ( "gfName", "gfName = gfName.replace ( /\\s+/g, '+' );" + "var subsets = ( arguments, 1, arguments.length - 1 );" + "var url = '' + gfName + ( subsets.length > 0 ? '&subset=' + subsets : '' ), callback = arguments [ arguments.length - 1 ];" + "var gfs = document.querySelectorAll('link[href=\"' + url+'\"]');" + "if (!gfs.length) {" + "var f = document.createElement('link');" + "f.setAttribute('rel', 'stylesheet');" + "f.setAttribute('type', 'text/css');" + "f.onload = callback;" + "f.setAttribute('href', url);" + "document.head.appendChild(f);" + "} else if (typeof callback === 'function') {" + "[0]);" + "}" ); })(); loadGoogleFont("Comfortaa"); var f1 = createFont("Comfortaa"); var f2 = createFont("Monospace"); // Currenct ballz amount var amount = 1; // Moved the blocks var moved = false; // Moved the position var movedX = false; // Green ring var other = saveCode[0]; // Effect stuff var slideY = 0; var sliding = false; var fade = 0; var score = 0; var record = saveCode[1]; // Next x position var nextX = x; // Angle to the mouse var angleAt = 0; // Current ballz collected/shot var curNum = 0; // Ballz var ballz = []; // Ballz shooting var go = false; // Show instructions var instruct = true; var instructFade = 255; noStroke(); // Pause var paused = false; var pauseY = -500; var pausePoints = [ {x : 115, y : 10}, {x : 135, y : 10}, {x : 135, y : 40}, {x : 115, y : 40}, ]; // Explosions array var explosions = []; // Die var die = false; // Colors var ballColor = color(255, 255, 255); var ballColors = [ color(255, 255, 255), color(255, 255, 0), color(250, 0, 100), color(50, 150, 255) ]; var prices = [50, 100, 200]; // Smooth motion var Smooth = function(pos1, pos2, div) { return (pos2 - pos1) / div; }; var flash = { opac : 25, display : function() { noStroke(); fill(255, 255, 255, map(this.opac, 0, 25, 0, 255)); rect(0, 0, width, height); this.opac --; }, reset : function(sceneTo) { scene = sceneTo; this.opac = 25; } }; var Ball = function(x, y, angle) { this.x = x; this.y = y; this.angle = angle; }; Ball.prototype.display = function() { ellipse(this.x, this.y, 10, 10); }; Ball.prototype.move = function() { if (!paused) { this.x += sin(this.angle) * speed; this.y -= cos(this.angle) * speed; } }; var Block = function(x, y, num) { this.x = x; this.y = y; this.num = num; this.color = 0; }; Block.prototype.display = function() { this.color = this.num + 40; if (this.color > 255) { this.color -= 255; } textAlign(CENTER, CENTER); textSize(30); fill(this.color, 255, 255); rect(this.x + 2, this.y + 2, blockSize - 4, blockSize - 4); fill(0, 0, 0); text(this.num, this.x + blockSize / 2, this.y + blockSize / 2); }; Block.prototype.move = function() { this.y += blockSize; }; var Button = function(x, y, t, color, func) { this.x = x; this.y = y; this.t = t; this.color = color; this.func = func; this.w = 200; this.h = 50; = 0; }; Button.prototype.display = function() { = 0; if (this.check()) { cursor("pointer"); = 30; } fill(red(this.color) +, green(this.color) +, blue(this.color) +; rect(this.x - this.w / 2, this.y - this.h / 2, this.w, this.h); ellipse(this.x - this.w / 2, this.y, this.h, this.h); ellipse(this.x + this.w / 2, this.y, this.h, this.h); fill(255, 255, 255); textAlign(CENTER, CENTER); textFont(f1, 35); text(this.t, this.x, this.y); }; Button.prototype.check = function() { return mouseX > this.x - this.w / 2 && mouseX < this.x + this.w / 2 && mouseY > this.y - this.h / 2 && mouseY < this.y + this.h / 2 || dist(mouseX, mouseY, this.x - this.w / 2, this.y) < this.h / 2 || dist(mouseX, mouseY, this.x + this.w / 2, this.y) < this.h / 2; }; Button.prototype.pack = function() { this.display(); if (this.check() && click) { this.func(); } }; var play = new Button(300, 300, "Play", color(250, 0, 100), function() { die = false; moved = false; sliding = false; slideY = 0; fade = 0; movedX = false; Max = 4; blocks = []; plus = []; plus2 = []; ballz = []; amount = 1; curNum = 0; x = 300; score = 0; paused = false; pauseY = -500; for (var i = 0; i < 2; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < widthInBlocks; j++) { choice = Math.floor(random(10)); if (choice === 0 || choice === 1 || choice === 2 || choice === 3 || choice === 4) { blocks.push(new Block(j * blockSize + 100, i * blockSize + blockSize * 2, Math.floor(random(Max / 2, Max + 1)))); } else if (choice === 5) { plus.push({x : j * blockSize + 100, y : i * blockSize + blockSize * 2}); } else if (choice === 6) { plus2.push({x : j * blockSize + 100, y : i * blockSize + blockSize * 2}); } } } flash.reset("game"); }); var scores = new Button(300, 370, "Scores", color(50, 150, 255), function() { flash.reset("scores"); }); var back = new Button(300, 500, "Back", color(250, 0, 100), function() { flash.reset("menu"); }); var cont = new Button(300, 300, "Continue", color(250, 0, 100), function() { paused = false; }); var quit = new Button(300, 370, "Main Menu", color(50, 150, 255), function() { flash.reset("menu"); }); var toShop = new Button(300, 440, "Shop", color(0, 200, 190), function() { flash.reset("shop"); }); var one, two, three, four; one = new Button(150, 280, "Selected", color(255, 185, 60), function() { if (saveCode[2]) { this.t = "Selected"; ballColor = ballColors[0]; if (saveCode[3]) { two.t = "Select"; } if (saveCode[4]) { three.t = "Select"; } if (saveCode[5]) { four.t = "Select"; } } }); two = new Button(450, 280, "Buy: 50", color(255, 185, 60), function() { if (saveCode[3]) { this.t = "Selected"; ballColor = ballColors[1]; one.t = "Select"; } else if (other > prices[0]) { other -= prices[0]; this.t = "Selected"; saveCode[3] = true; ballColor = ballColors[1]; } if (saveCode[3] || other > prices[0]) { one.t = "Select"; if (saveCode[4]) { three.t = "Select"; } if (saveCode[5]) { four.t = "Select"; } } }); three = new Button(150, 400, "Buy: 100", color(255, 185, 60), function() { if (saveCode[4]) { this.t = "Selected"; ballColor = ballColors[2]; one.t = "Select"; } else if (other > prices[1]) { other -= prices[1]; this.t = "Selected"; saveCode[4] = true; ballColor = ballColors[2]; } if (saveCode[4] || other > prices[1]) { one.t = "Select"; if (saveCode[3]) { two.t = "Select"; } if (saveCode[5]) { four.t = "Select"; } } }); four = new Button(450, 400, "Buy: 200", color(255, 185, 60), function() { if (saveCode[5]) { this.t = "Selected"; ballColor = ballColors[3]; one.t = "Select"; } else if (other > prices[2]) { other -= prices[2]; this.t = "Selected"; saveCode[5] = true; ballColor = ballColors[3]; } if (saveCode[5] || other > prices[2]) { one.t = "Select"; if (saveCode[3]) { two.t = "Select"; } if (saveCode[4]) { three.t = "Select"; } } }); var bg = function() { background(25, 25, 25); fill(50, 50, 50); rect(0, 0, 100, 600); rect(500, 0, 100, 600); rect(0, 0, width, blockSize); rect(0, y, width, height - y); fill(255, 255, 255); }; var showBlocks = function() { pushMatrix(); translate(0, slideY); for (var i = 0; i < blocks.length; i++) { blocks[i].display(); } popMatrix(); }; var showPlus = function() { pushMatrix(); translate(0, slideY); strokeWeight(3); for (var i = 0; i < plus.length; i++) { fill(255, 255, 255); ellipse(plus[i].x + blockSize / 2, plus[i].y + blockSize / 2, 10, 10); noFill(); stroke(255, 255, 255); ellipse(plus[i].x + blockSize / 2, plus[i].y + blockSize / 2, 23 + sin(frameCount * 3 + plus[i].x + plus[i].y) * 3, 23 + sin(frameCount * 3 + plus[i].x + plus[i].y) * 3); noStroke(); } for (var i = 0; i < plus2.length; i++) { stroke(150, 255, 0); noFill(); ellipse(plus2[i].x + blockSize / 2, plus2[i].y + blockSize / 2, 20, 20); noStroke(); } popMatrix(); }; var showScore = function() { record = Math.max(record, score); strokeWeight(3); stroke(150, 255, 0); noFill(); ellipse(475, 25, 20, 20); noStroke(); fill(255, 255, 255); textAlign(RIGHT, CENTER); textSize(25); text(other, 455, 25); textAlign(CENTER, CENTER); text(record, 180, 35); textSize(18); text("BEST", 180, 12); textSize(40); fill(255, 255, 255); text(score, 300, 25); }; var collide = function() { for (var i = 0; i < ballz.length; i++) { ballz[i].move(); if (ballz[i].x < 100) { ballz[i].x = 100; ballz[i].angle = -ballz[i].angle; } if (ballz[i].x > width - 100) { ballz[i].x = width - 100; ballz[i].angle = -ballz[i].angle; } if (ballz[i].y < blockSize + 5) { ballz[i].y = blockSize + 5; ballz[i].angle = 180 - ballz[i].angle; } for (var j = blocks.length - 1; j > -1; j--) { if (ballz[i].x + 5 >= blocks[j].x && ballz[i].x - 5 < blocks[j].x + blockSize && ballz[i].y + 5 >= blocks[j].y && ballz[i].y - 5 < blocks[j].y + blockSize) { if (ballz[i].y + speed / 2 < blocks[j].y + blockSize && ballz[i].y - speed / 2 > blocks[j].y) { ballz[i].angle = -ballz[i].angle; ballz[i].x = blocks[j].x + (ballz[i].x > blocks[j].x + blockSize / 2 ? blockSize + 5 : -5); } else { ballz[i].y = blocks[j].y + (ballz[i].y > blocks[j].y + blockSize / 2 ? blockSize + 5 : -5); ballz[i].angle = 180 - ballz[i].angle; } blocks[j].num --; if (blocks[j].num < 1) { explosions.push([]); for (var k = 0; k < 30; k ++) { explosions[explosions.length - 1].push({x : blocks[j].x + blockSize / 2, y : blocks[j].y + blockSize / 2, size : random(5, 10), fade : 100, angle : random(0, 360)}); } blocks.splice(j, 1); } } } for (var j = plus.length - 1; j > -1; j--) { if (dist(ballz[i].x, ballz[i].y, plus[j].x + 25, plus[j].y + 25) < 15) { curNum ++; amount ++; plus.splice(j, 1); } } for (var j = plus2.length - 1; j > -1; j--) { if (dist(ballz[i].x, ballz[i].y, plus2[j].x + 25, plus2[j].y + 25) < 15) { other ++; plus2.splice(j, 1); } } if (ballz[i].y > y) { if (!movedX) { movedX = true; nextX = ballz[i].x; } if (!moved && ballz.length === 1) { curNum = 0; Max ++; moved = true; for (var j = 0; j < blocks.length; j++) { blocks[j].y += blockSize; if (blocks[j].y >= height - blockSize * 3) { die = true; } } for (var j = 0; j < plus.length; j++) { plus[j].y += blockSize; if (plus[j].y >= height - blockSize * 3) { plus.splice(j, 1); } } for (var j = 0; j < plus2.length; j++) { plus2[j].y += blockSize; if (plus2[j].y >= height - blockSize * 3) { plus2.splice(j, 1); } } sliding = true; slideY = -blockSize; x = nextX; } ballz.splice(i, 1); } } }; var pause = function() { fill(100, 100, 100); beginShape(); for (var i = 0; i < pausePoints.length; i++) { vertex(pausePoints[i].x, pausePoints[i].y); } endShape(); fill(50, 50, 50); rect(122, 10, 6, 30); if (mouseX > 100 && mouseX < 150 && mouseY < 50) { cursor("pointer"); if (click) { paused = true; } } if (paused) { pauseY += Smooth(pauseY, 100, 10); } else { pauseY += Smooth(pauseY, -500, 10); } fill(0, 0, 0); rect(0, pauseY, 600, 400); cont.y = pauseY + 165; quit.y = pauseY + 235; cont.pack(); quit.pack(); }; var showExplode = function() { rectMode(CENTER); for (var i = 0; i < explosions.length; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < explosions[i].length; j++) { fill(255, 255, 0, explosions[i][j].fade); rect(explosions[i][j].x, explosions[i][j].y, explosions[i][j].size, explosions[i][j].size); explosions[i][j].fade -= 10; explosions[i][j].x += sin(explosions[i][j].angle) * 2; explosions[i][j].y -= cos(explosions[i][j].angle) * 2; } if (explosions[i][0].fade < 1) { explosions.splice(i, 1); } } rectMode(CORNER); }; var game = function() { bg(); fill(ballColor); if (curNum < amount) { ellipse(x, y, 10, 10); } if (movedX) { ellipse(nextX, y, 10, 10); textSize(15); textAlign(LEFT, BOTTOM); text("x" + amount, nextX + 10, y - 10); } colorMode(HSB); showBlocks(); colorMode(RGB); showPlus(); showScore(); if (!go && !paused) { angleAt = atan2(y - mouseY, x - mouseX) + 90; angleAt = constrain(angleAt, 91, 269); } fill(ballColor); if (ballz.length < 1) { for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) { ellipse(x - sin(angleAt) * (i + 2) * 20, y + cos(angleAt) * (i + 2) * 20, 7, 7); } pushMatrix(); translate(x, y); rotate(angleAt + 180); triangle(-3, -8, 3, -8, 0, -30); popMatrix(); textSize(15); textAlign(LEFT, BOTTOM); text("x" + amount, x + 10, y - 10); } for (var i = 0; i < ballz.length; i++) { ballz[i].display(); } collide(); if (go) { if (frameCount % 5 === 0) { ballz.push(new Ball(x, y, angleAt + 180)); curNum ++; } if (curNum >= amount) { go = false; } } if (sliding) { if (!paused) { slideY ++; } if (slideY === 0) { if (die) { flash.reset("menu"); } sliding = false; for (var j = 0; j < widthInBlocks; j++) { choice = Math.floor(random(10)); if (choice === 0 || choice === 1 || choice === 2 || choice === 3 || choice === 4) { blocks.push(new Block(j * blockSize + 100, i * blockSize + blockSize * 2, Math.floor(random(Max / 2, Max + 1)))); } else if (choice === 5) { plus.push({x : j * blockSize + 100, y : i * blockSize + blockSize * 2}); } else if (choice === 6) { plus2.push({x : j * blockSize + 100, y : i * blockSize + blockSize * 2}); } } score ++; fade = 255; } } showExplode(); if (!instruct) { instructFade -= 10; } fill(255, 255, 255, instructFade); textAlign(CENTER, CENTER); textSize(40); text("Click to shoot.\nKeep the blocks\nfrom reaching\nthe bottom.", 300, 300); if (!paused) { fade -= 20; } fill(25, 25, 25, fade); rect(100, blockSize * 2, 400, blockSize); slideY = constrain(slideY, -blockSize, 0); pause(); }; var title = function() { textSize(100); textAlign(CENTER, CENTER); fill(250, 0, 100); text("B", 210, 120); fill(255, 185, 60); text("a", 280, 120); fill(0, 140, 255); text("l", 328, 120); fill(0, 200, 190); text("l", 356, 120); fill(150, 230, 0); text("z", 397, 120); }; var menu = function() { background(25, 25, 25); title(); play.pack(); scores.pack(); toShop.pack(); textSize(50); text("Record: " + record, 300, 565); strokeWeight(3); stroke(150, 255, 0); noFill(); ellipse(575, 25, 20, 20); noStroke(); fill(255, 255, 255); textAlign(RIGHT, CENTER); textSize(25); text(other, 555, 25); }; var highScores = function() { background(25, 25, 25); fill(250, 0, 100); textAlign(CENTER, CENTER); textFont(f1, 80); text("High Scores", 300, 100); textFont(f2, 30); fill(255, 255, 255); for (var i = 0; i < scoresList.length; i++) { curScore = scoresList[i].name + " "; while (curScore.length + scoresList[i].score.toString().length < 30) { curScore += "."; } curScore += " "; curScore += scoresList[i].score; text(curScore, 300, 250 + i * 30); } back.pack(); }; var shop = function() { background(25, 25, 25); back.pack(); fill(255, 185, 60); textAlign(CENTER, CENTER); textFont(f1, 80); text("Shop", 300, 100); one.pack(); two.pack(); three.pack(); four.pack(); strokeWeight(3); stroke(150, 255, 0); noFill(); ellipse(575, 25, 20, 20); noStroke(); fill(255, 255, 255); textAlign(RIGHT, CENTER); textSize(25); text(other, 555, 25); for (var i = 0; i < ballColors.length; i++) { fill(ballColors[i]); ellipse(150 + (i % 2) * 300, 230 + Math.floor(i / 2) * 120, 30, 30); } }; draw = function() { textFont(f1); cursor("default"); switch (scene) { case "game": game(); break; case "menu": menu(); break; case "scores": highScores(); break; case "shop": shop(); break; } flash.display(); click = false; }; mouseClicked = function() { click = true; if (scene === "game") { if (ballz.length > 0 || sliding || mouseX < 100 || mouseX > 500 || mouseY < 50 || mouseY > 500 || paused) { return; } moved = false; movedX = false; go = true; instruct = false; } }; keyPressed = function() { if (keyCode === 32) { saveCode[0] = saveCode[0]; saveCode[1] = record; println("var saveCode = ["); for (var i = 0; i < saveCode.length; i++) { println(saveCode[i] + ((i < saveCode.length - 1) ? "," : "")); } println("]"); } };
The Processing Js code for my version of KetchupApps - Ballz game.
I'm also sorry that you could not see a live view of the game. :(

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