binary tree insertion and deletion module

#include<bits/stdc++.h> using namespace std; class tree_node{ public: int val; tree_node *left,*right; public: tree_node(int n){ this->val = n; this->left = this-> right = NULL; } //int get_value(){return this->val;} //tree_node* get_left(){return (tree_node *)this->left;} //tree_node* get_right() {return(tree_node *)this->right;} }; class tree{ public: tree_node * root; public: tree(int n){ //constructor root = new tree_node(n); } tree_node * get_root(){ return root; } void insert(int n); void print_level_wise(); void delete_node(int n); }; void tree::insert(int n){ tree_node *r = get_root(); queue<tree_node *>q; q.push(r); while(1){ tree_node * curr = q.front(); q.pop(); if(curr->left==NULL){ curr->left = new tree_node(n); return; } else{ q.push(curr->left); } if(curr->right==NULL){ curr->right = new tree_node(n); return; } else{ q.push(curr->right); } } } void tree::delete_node(int key){ //delete k from the tree //find key node and also right most deep most node tree_node *target=NULL,*rd,*rdp; tree_node *r = get_root(); queue<tree_node *>q; q.push(r); while(1){ tree_node* curr = q.front(); q.pop(); //cout<<curr->val<<endl; if(target==NULL and curr->val==key){ target = curr; // cout<<"target val is "<<target->val<<endl; } if(q.empty() and curr->left==NULL and curr->right== NULL){ //this is rd node rd =curr; break; } if(curr->left!=NULL or curr->right!= NULL){ if(curr->left!=NULL) q.push(curr->left); if(curr->right!=NULL) q.push(curr->right); // cout<<"pushed iterms are :\n"; // if(curr->left!=NULL) // cout<<curr->left->val<<endl; // if(curr->right!=NULL) // cout<<curr->right->val<<endl; rdp = curr; } } if(target!=NULL){ target->val = rd->val; if(rdp->left==rd){ rdp->left=NULL; } else if(rdp->right==rd){ rdp->right=NULL; } free(rd); print_level_wise(); } else{ cout<<"Can not find key in tree\n"; } } void tree::print_level_wise(){ tree_node* r = get_root(); queue<tree_node*>q; q.push(r); while(!q.empty()){ tree_node*c= q.front(); q.pop(); cout<<c->val<<"\t"; if(c->left!=NULL)q.push(c->left); if(c->right!=NULL)q.push(c->right); } } int main() { int root_val=1; tree t1(1); t1.insert(2); t1.insert(3); t1.insert(4); t1.insert(6); t1.insert(5); //t1.insert(7); t1.print_level_wise(); cout<<endl; t1.delete_node(2); return 0; }

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