// done by zephinzer
// goto: http://zephinzer.tumblr.com for more
// please leave this intact if you use this code
// thank you
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <string.h>
// control the program from here
#define VALUE_OF_X 532 // this is for bitwise operators section
#define VALUE_OF_Z 315 // this is for bitwise operators section
#define VALUE_OF_2X 4 // this is for bitwise shift section
// control the program from here
void binary(int, char []);
int main(void) {
int count,
char output[16];
printf("\nbitwise.c by zephinzer");
printf("The |, &, ^ and ~ bitwise operators:\n");
printf("x=%d; z=%d;\n", x, z);
printf("x|z = %d\n", x|z);
binary(x, output);
printf("x = %s = %d\n", output, x);
binary(z, output);
printf("z = %s = %d\n", output, z);
binary(x|z, output);
printf("x|z = %s = %d\n\n", output, x|z);
printf("x&z: %d\n", x&z);
binary(x, output);
printf("x = %s = %d\n", output, x);
binary(z, output);
printf("z = %s = %d\n", output, z);
binary(x&z, output);
printf("x|z = %s = %d\n\n", output, x&z);
printf("x^z: %d\n", x^z);
binary(x, output);
printf("x = %s = %d\n", output, x);
binary(z, output);
printf("z = %s = %d\n", output, z);
binary(x&z, output);
printf("x|z = %s = %d\n\n", output, x^z);
printf(" x: %d\t\tz: %d\n", x, z);
printf("~x: %d\t~z: %d\n", ~x, ~z);
printf("The bitwise shift << >> operators:\n");
x = VALUE_OF_2X;
printf("x = %d\n", x);
for(count=1; count<10; count++) {
binary(x<<count, output);
printf("x<<=%d; %d \t%s\n", count, x<<count, output);
binary((x <<= (count-1)), output);
printf("x = %d \t%s\n", x, output);
for(count=1; count<10; count++) {
binary(x>>count, output);
printf("x>>%d: %d \t%s\n", count, x>>count, output);
printf("Press any key to continue...");
return 0;
void binary(int num, char output[]) {
itoa(num, output, 2);
int len = strlen(output);
memmove(&output[15-len], output, len);
int count;
for(count = 0; count < 15-len; count++)
output[count] = '0';
output[15] = '\0';
Educational program for showing how bitwise functions work
Content includes:
Effects of &, |, ^ and ~
Effects of << and >>
~ zephinzer
- http://zephinzer.tumblr.com
Content includes:
Effects of &, |, ^ and ~
Effects of << and >>
~ zephinzer
- http://zephinzer.tumblr.com
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