
import UIKit class BoldSyntaxBuilder: MarkupSyntaxBuilder { static let instance = BoldSyntaxBuilder() func regex() -> NSRegularExpression { let pattern = "(\\*)(|\\S|\\S.*?\\S)(\\*)" let reg = try! NSRegularExpression(pattern: pattern, options: []) return reg } func stylizeSyntaxElements(in range: NSRange, with string: NSMutableAttributedString){ regex().enumerateMatches(in: string.string , options: [], range: range, using: { (match, flags, stop) in if let startTagRange = match?.range(at: 1), let textRange = match?.range(at: 2), let endTagRange = match?.range(at: 3) { string.addAttributes([NSAttributedStringKey.foregroundColor: ThemeCenter.theme.syntaxColor], range: startTagRange) if textRange.length > 0 { string.addAttributes([NSAttributedStringKey.font : ThemeCenter.theme.bodyBoldFont], range: textRange) } string.addAttributes([NSAttributedStringKey.foregroundColor: ThemeCenter.theme.syntaxColor], range: endTagRange) } }) } func truncateMarkupSyntax(in range: NSRange, with string: NSAttributedString) -> (NSRange, NSAttributedString)? { let str = NSMutableAttributedString() var isCharactersDeleted = false (string.string as NSString).enumerateSubstrings(in: range, options: .byLines) { (_, _,enclosingRange, _) in let lineString = NSMutableAttributedString(attributedString: string.attributedSubstring(from: enclosingRange)) var removeRanges = [NSRange]() self.regex().enumerateMatches(in: lineString.string, options: [], range: NSMakeRange(0, lineString.length), using: { (match, flags, stop) in if let startTagRange = match?.range(at: 1), let endTagRange = match?.range(at: 3) { removeRanges.append(startTagRange) removeRanges.append(endTagRange) } }) var shiftLen = Int(0) for removeRange in removeRanges { lineString.deleteCharacters(in: NSMakeRange(removeRange.location - shiftLen, removeRange.length)) shiftLen += removeRange.length isCharactersDeleted = true } str.append(lineString) } return isCharactersDeleted ? (range, str as NSAttributedString) : nil } func addMarkupSyntax(in range: NSRange, with string: NSAttributedString, optional value: Any?) -> (NSRange, NSAttributedString) { if range.length == 0 { var wordRange: NSRange? let lineRange = (string.string as NSString).lineRange(for: range) (string.string as NSString).enumerateSubstrings(in: lineRange, options: .byWords , using: { (str, matchRange, enclosingRange, stop) in if let _ = matchRange.intersection(range) { wordRange = matchRange } }) if let word = wordRange { let str = NSMutableAttributedString(string: "*") str.append(string.attributedSubstring(from: word)) str.append(NSAttributedString(string: "*")) return (word, str) }else { return (NSMakeRange(range.location, 0), NSAttributedString(string: "**")) } }else { let str = NSMutableAttributedString(attributedString: string.attributedSubstring(from: range)) let asterisk = NSAttributedString(string: "*") var matchRanges = [NSRange]() (string.string as NSString).enumerateSubstrings(in: range, options: .byLines) { (_, matchRange, enclosingRange, _) in matchRanges.append(matchRange) } var shiftLen = 0 for matchRange in matchRanges { if matchRange.length > 0 { str.insert(asterisk, at: matchRange.location - range.location + shiftLen) str.insert(asterisk, at: matchRange.location - range.location + matchRange.length + shiftLen + asterisk.length) shiftLen += 2*asterisk.length } } return (range, str) } } }

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