BT13: Hàm khi nhấn nút Accept

private void btnAccept_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string s=""; int count2 = 0; foreach (string item in listOrder.Items) { int count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < listOrder.Items.Count; i++) if (item == listOrder.Items[i]) count++; if(count>1) { MessageBox.Show("Ban da chon trung san pham. Hay xoa bot san pham trung", "Chu y", MessageBoxButtons.OK); count2++; break; } } if (count2 == 0) { string s1 = "", s2 = ""; foreach (string item in listOrder.Items) s += item + "\n"; RadioButton[] rd={rbMoney,rbVisa,rbSec}; foreach (RadioButton r in rd) if (r.Checked) s1 = r.Text; CheckBox[] cb = { checkBox1, checkBox2, checkBox3 }; foreach (CheckBox c in cb) if (c.Checked) s2 += c.Text+", "; s2 = s2.Remove(s2.Length - 2, 2); MessageBox.Show(label1.Text + txtName.Text + "\n" + label2.Text + txtAddress.Text + "\n" + label4.Text + "\n" + s + groupBox2.Text + s1+"\n"+groupBox1.Text +s2, "Xac Nhan", MessageBoxButtons.OK); } }

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