* Get the size of a file in reader-friendly units (KB, MB, etc.)
* @param string $filename The name of the file to size
* @param int $precision The number of decimal places to show (default: 1)
* @return string|bool A string with the size of the file or false on error
* @author Sunny Walker <www.miraclesalad.com>
function getFileSize($filename, $precision=1) {
$return = false;
if (file_exists($filename)) {
$fsize = filesize($filename);
if ($fsize >= pow(2, 40)) $return = (number_format($fsize / pow(2, 40), $precision)).' TB';
if ($fsize >= pow(2, 30)) $return = (number_format($fsize / pow(2, 30), $precision)).' GB';
if ($fsize >= pow(2, 20)) $return = (number_format($fsize / pow(2, 20), $precision)).' MB';
elseif ($fsize >= 1024) $return = (number_format($fsize / 1024, $precision)).' KB';
else $return = $fsize.' B';
return $return;
} //getFileSize()
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