Check/Uncheck exclusively boxes in WebForms CheckBoxList

//Tailored for ASP.Net WebForms CheckBoxList control //Checks/unchecks a list of checkboxes depending of what is checked //If the first item "All" is checked, uncheck everything else. If any item except "All" is checked, uncheck "All" //JavaScript function handleCheckBoxList(idLst, element) { if (element.checked) { if ("_0")) { //Uncheck everything except "All" $("input[id*='" + idLst + "']").not("input[id$='" + idLst + "_0']").prop('checked', false); } else { //Uncheck "All" $("input[id$='" + idLst + "_0']").prop('checked', false); } } } //ASP.Net : databound list, with the first item being "All" <asp:CheckBoxList runat="server" ID="_lstBoxes"></asp:CheckBoxList> //Code-behind foreach (ListItem item in _lstBoxes.Items) { item.Attributes.Add("onclick", "handleCheckBoxList('" + _lstBoxes.ID + "',this)"); }
Tailored for ASP.Net WebForms CheckBoxList control
Checks/unchecks a list of checkboxes depending of what is checked
If the first item "All" is checked, uncheck everything else.
If any item except "All" is checked, uncheck "All"

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