import math
from fractions import Fraction
class ArithmeticCoding:
def encode(self, string, dic, dic2):
l = len(string)
for i in range(1, l):
probnow = dic[string[:i]]
prob = dic2[string[i-1: i+1]]
dic[string[:i+1]] = (Fraction(probnow[0] + (probnow[1] - probnow[0]) * prob[0]), Fraction(probnow[0] + (probnow[1] - probnow[0]) * prob[1]))
i = string
print(i, dic[i], (dic[i][0] + (dic[i][1]-dic[i][0])/2))
return dic
def bitrate(self, dic, string):
print(float(dic[string][0]), float(dic[string][1]))
return -math.log(dic[string][1] - dic[string][0], 2)
def generatecode(self, groupes):
str1 = ''
for i in groupes:
string = str(i[0])
index = i[1]
while index:
lo = 1
str2 = string
while index >= lo * 2:
str2 = str2 + str2
lo *= 2
index -= lo
str1 = str1 + str2
return str1
if __name__ == '__main__':
dicPro = {'0': (0, 1/2), '1': (1/2, 1)}
dicMKV = {'00': (0, 63/64), '11': (1/64, 1), '10': (0, 1/64), '01': (63/64, 1)}
a = ArithmeticCoding()
string2 = a.generatecode(((0, 13), (1, 11), (0, 10), (1, 15), (0, 14), (1, 9)))
string1 = '00000111'
newdic = a.encode(string1, dicPro, dicMKV)
for i in newdic:
print(i, (newdic[i][0], newdic[i][1]))
i = string1
print(-math.log(float(newdic[i][1]) - float(newdic[i][0]), 2))
#print(a.bitrate(newdic, string1))
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