import numpy
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy import fftpack, linalg
class Transforms:
def __init__(self, fftfunction, length):
self.matrix = []
for i in range(length):
self.matrix = numpy.array(self.matrix)
def fft(self, matrix1):
return numpy.fft.fft(matrix1)
def absolute(self, matrix1):
ans = []
for i in matrix1:
return numpy.array(ans)
def sorting(self, matrix1):
return sorted(enumerate(matrix1), key=lambda x: x[1])
def inversefft(self, matrix):
return numpy.fft.ifft(matrix)
def dct(self, matrix):
return fftpack.dct(matrix, norm='ortho')
def idct(self, matrix):
return fftpack.idct(matrix, norm='ortho')
def hadamard(self, number):
return linalg.hadamard(number)
def walsh(self, number):
if number != 2:
base = linalg.hadamard(number/2)
ansh = numpy.concatenate((base, base), axis=1)
ansb = numpy.concatenate((base, -base), axis=1)
hmatrix = numpy.concatenate((ansh, ansb))
changeset = []
l = len(hmatrix)
for i in hmatrix:
signchanges = 0
for j in reversed(range(l)):
if j - 1 >= 0 and i[j - 1] != i[j]:
signchanges += 1
ans2 = []
for i in sorted(enumerate(changeset), key=lambda x: x[1]):
return ans2
def preinverse(self, matrix, k):
magnitude = fft.absolute(matrix)
sortedresult = fft.sorting(magnitude)
for i in range(k):
matrix[sortedresult[i][0]] = 0
def meansquareerror(self, mat1, mat2):
l = len(mat1)
squareerror = pow(mat1 - mat2, 2)
mean = numpy.sum(squareerror)/l
return mean
if __name__ == '__main__':
function1 = lambda x: pow(x, 3)/4
function2 = lambda x: numpy.math.cos((3*x + 1)/16*numpy.pi)
fft = Transforms(function2, 16)
mt = fft.matrix
'''walsh = fft.walsh(16)
walt = 1/4 * numpy.matmul(walsh, fft.matrix)
rewal = 1/4 * numpy.matmul(walt, walsh)
ftm = fft.fft(mt)
iftm = fft.inversefft(ftm)'''
errors = []
for i in range(1, 16):
dctm = fft.dct(mt)
fft.preinverse(dctm, i)
idctm = fft.idct(dctm)
error = fft.meansquareerror(idctm, mt)
errors = numpy.array(errors)
rag = [i for i in range(1, 16)]
plt.plot(rag, errors, 'bo-')
plt.title('MSE of DCT')
plt.ylabel('Last n')
plt.legend(('MSE', 'walsh trans', 'fft', 'dct'))
print('Last n ', 'MSE')
for i in range(15):
print(' ', i, ' ', errors[i])
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