Contact Form 7 with Custom Radio/Checkbox in Bootstrap 4.0.0 a6

var $items = $('.wpcf7-list-item'); $items.each(function() { var $label = $(this).children('label'), $input = $label.children('input'), $indct = $('<span class="custom-control-indicator"></span>'), $desc = $label.children('.wpcf7-list-item-label'); var type = $input.attr('type'); $label.addClass('custom-control custom-'+type); $input.addClass('custom-control-input'); $desc.addClass('custom-control-description'); $input.after($indct); });
Just modify radio/checkbox that generated by Contact Form 7 (WordPress) to use same structure as Bootstrap 4.0.0 alpha 6

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Contact Form 7 plugin:

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