
<?php /** * @author Dave LaRonde * @author Lucas Larson * @link https://gist.github.com/phpdave/24d879514e7411047267 */ // Content Security Protocol (CSP) works only in modern browsers Chrome ≥25, // Firefox ≥23, Safari ≥7 $headerCSP = "Content-Security-Policy: " . // XMLHttpRequest (AJAX request), WebSocket, or EventSource "connect-src 'self' *.google-analytics.com *.doubleclick.net;" . // default policy for loading HTML elements "default-src 'self' *.example.com *.google-analytics.com *.googletagmanager.com googletagmanager.com *.google.com;" . // allow parent framing – this one blocks clickjacking and // UI redress "frame-ancestors 'self';" . // valid sources for frames "frame-src 'self'" . // valid src domains for media via HTML audio and // video elements "media-src 'self' *.example.com;" . // valid src domains for object, embed, and applet elements "object-src 'none';" . // a URL that will get raw JSON data in post that lets you // know what was violated and blocked // sign up for your own at report-uri.com // hat tip Matt Ferderer https://dev.to/mattferderer/what-is-csp-why--how-to-add-it-to-your-website-28df "report-uri https://example.report-uri.com/r/d/csp/reportOnly;" . // report-to, which is deprecating report-uri "Report-To: {'group':'default','max_age':31536000,'endpoints':[{'url':'https://example.report-uri.com/a/d/g'}],'include_subdomains':true};" . // The Network Error Logging (NEL) spec defines a mechanism for collecting client-side network errors from an origin "NEL: {'report_to':'default','max_age':31536000,'include_subdomains':true};" . // allows JavaScript from self, jQuery and Google Analytics; // inline allows inline JavaScript "script-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval' *.example.com *.jquery.com *.google-analytics.com *.googletagmanager.com;" . // allows CSS from self and inline allows inline CSS "style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' *.example.com *.cloudflare.com *.jsdelivr.net *.googleapis.com;" . // allows fonts from self and jsdelivr.net for Computer Modern! "font-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' *.example.com *.jsdelivr.net;"; // Sends the header in the HTTP response to instruct the browser how it // should handle content and what is whitelisted. It’s up to the browser to // follow the policy which each browser has varying support // $contentSecurityPolicy → $headerCSP via @hobbyman https://git.io/fjtmU header($headerCSP); // X-Frame-Options was never officially created – its X- prefix indicates // it’s non-standard – but most browsers support it to block iframing header('X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN');
Content Security Protocol: LAMP-flavored CSP header for Content-Security-Policy

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