css attr selectors use

<div class="head"></div> <div class="bar side bar"></div> <div class="left navtool"></div> <div class="footer bar">At the end let us think of any attr value as a string.that string is made of one string value (like attr="value") or space seprated number of values (like attr=" more and more values").we will be picking markup elements using attr selectors like so: <code>element[attr] </code> will select according to attr name, <code>element[attr="value"] </code>selects the exact value, <code>element[attr~="value"] </code>will select if <code>value </code> exists in a space seprated number of values.the selectors <code>[attr^="value"] </code> and <code>[attr$="value"] </code> will select if attr string is prefixed ^= with "value" and suffixed $ with "value".finally <code>[attr*="value"] </code> will select if "value" matches wether "value" was seprated or part of a one string.<code>[attr <code>operator i</code></code> denotes that<code>attr</code> value is case insensetive and something like <code>"VALUE","value" or "VAlue"</code> are similar.</div> <div lang="en-us" class="page center"></div>
html{height:100%; position:relative; } div[class="head"]{ width:100%; height:2em; background:rgba(10,100,250,0.3); } div[class~="side"]{ float:left; width:2em; height:300px; background:linear-gradient(to bottom,rgba(10,100,250,0.3) 30%,black 120%); } div[class*="left navtool"]{ width:2em; height:300px; background:linear-gradient(to bottom,rgba(10,100,250,0.3) 30%,black 120%); float:right; } div[class^="footer"]{ width:100%; height:auto; padding:7px 0px; color:black; background:linear-gradient(to bottom,rgba(10,100,250,0.3) 30%,black 120%); position:absolute; bottom:0; } div[class$="center"]{ width:5%; height:3em; border-radius:50%; background:linear-gradient(to bottom,rgba(10,100,250,0.3) 30%,black 120%); display:table; position:absolute; top:50%; left:50%; margin-left:-2.5%; margin-top:-1.5em; } div[lang|="en"] { outline:2px dashed red; }
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